This is the Message Centre for Marduk

Welcome Marduk

Post 1

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Looks like you got a good start on your home page. Simple. To the point. smiley - smiley

I was wandering by and thought I'd say Hi! If you need anything, have any questions, or just want to say Hi back smiley - smiley, just reply to this message, or feel free to visit me at my home by clicking on my name above.

There's a friendly group at the Newcomer's Welcome Page at and a handy list of links at the Quick Reference Guide, including links for help on putting together entries and pages.

There's a wonderful group of volunteers called the Assistant Community Editors (ACEs) and one or more of them may drop by to say Hi sometime... or feel free to visit them first by dropping by at

h2g2 is a wonderful, wacky, place and I think you'll really enjoy it. Have fun playing with your home page layout, write some interesting guide entries, comment on or contribute to other entries, and get involved in the amazing community of forums with cafés, clubs, swimming pools, and more.

If all of this is confusing, just stick this fish in your ear smiley - fish


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