This is the Message Centre for soeasilyamused, or sea

Hi Sea

Post 1

LL Waz

Can I ask if you're familiar with h2g2's new UnderGuide?

I'm asking because your 'A Day in the Life of the Stereotypical (American) Popular Teenage Female' was one the earliest entries I read that started me thinking that h2g2's Edited Guide left a gap. That's hopefully now filled by the UnderGuide and I think 'Day in the Life of...' could be an Underguide entry. Well I'm certain it would be an excellent UG entry but I'd just be one vote for it.

I was hoping you might put it into the Alternative Writing Workshop so that it could be considered for the UG. Or that you might let me submit it there.

Hi Sea

Post 2

soeasilyamused, or sea

Oh! smiley - bigeyes

Well certainly! I don't mind at all!

I'll have to have a look-see and check out this "Underguide" of yours. smiley - smiley

Hi Sea

Post 3

LL Waz

That's great smiley - smiley.

smiley - erm I know I said I could submit it but now I look I can't as it's currently in the Writing Workshop. You'd need to take it out of there first. Sometimes h2g2 is very complicated.

The UnderGuide HQ is at A1103329 and the official archive is at C1233. We've had some excelent entries to put in. Unfortunately not many new ones are being written, I hope the UnderGuide wasn't too late in happening.

Hi Sea

Post 4

soeasilyamused, or sea

...Oh. Okay. I'll do that, then.


Hi Sea

Post 5

LL Waz


erm, when?

Not that I'm nagging...or anything,

well, ok, I am. Sorry. In your own time of course!

I'll wait,

patiently smiley - smiley, and mine some more UnderGuide tunnels in the meantime.

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