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Subbing Window Glass

Post 1

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Hi dsg!

I'm subbing your Window Glass Entry. Can you explain a bit more about how broadsheet glass was made - you say it was unrolled from a cylinder - but how was the cylinder made in the first place please?

-sorry if you think I'm dense, but I've only ever seen blown glass being produced ( in Waterford smiley - biggrin and that was amazing ) so I have no idea about this other old process.

smiley - cheers


Subbing Window Glass

Post 2


Lanza, good to see you are stationary.

>>>The first window glass manufactured in Britain, in Roman times, was broadsheet glass in which an elongated balloon of glass was blown, the ends cut off and the resulting cylinder was split and flattened on an iron plate. Glass produced like this was of very poor quality and at best translucent and due to the small size of the sheets was made into leaded lights.>>


smiley - ok

Subbing Window Glass

Post 3

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Okay - thanks, I thought it must have been a very large cylinder, not a tiny one. I understand.

I'm busy over the coming weekend, so don't worry if you don't hear from me.

smiley - ok

Subbing Window Glass

Post 4

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

hi dsg! Back from doing other things, and can concentrate on this.

Please can you confirm that you are the same devonseaglass that wrote this?

I just need to double check, that you are one and the same. smiley - ok

Subbing Window Glass

Post 5


Aw shucks, you found out. Yes 'tis me. Guilty as charged. smiley - ok

Subbing Window Glass

Post 6

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

We have to run it through the search engines, in case it was someone else's work - but as it's yours already, it's fine. I'll let you know when I near completion, or if there is anything else I need to ask!

Subbing Window Glass

Post 7

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Hi dsg!

Is this sentence very important?

" One of the main advantages of the float glass process is the glass emerges as fire-grade."

I can't find any explanation of what fire-grade glass is, unless you mean fire rated? But I think it would need another footnote, if you want to include this - personally I think it is not terribly necessary.

Subbing Window Glass

Post 8


Lanza, thanks. I've changed the sentence to read;

>>One of the main advantages of the float glass process is the glass emerges as what is known as fire finish, the lustre of new chinaware.>>

smiley - ta

Subbing Window Glass

Post 9

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

hi dsg

I think I've finished now. (my you like commas!) Can you have a glance over it for me? I've made a few changes to the sentence structure of the first few paragraphs.


If you are in agreement, I can send it back to the Eds.

smiley - coffeesmiley - donut

Subbing Window Glass

Post 10


Hello Lanza,

I counted the commas and they all seem to be there still, so it's fine to go. I will try and use more semi colons next time; assuming I get the h2g2 certificate.

smiley - cheers

Subbing Window Glass

Post 11

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

thanks ever so much!

I learned a lot about glass doing this smiley - cheers

Subbing Window Glass

Post 12

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Hi dsg

this is now on the Front page - so congratulations! smiley - cake

can you subscribe to the Entry please - as there is a question about the weight of it. I reckon your figure is correct.



Subbing Window Glass

Post 13


Lanza, thanks. It's wrong. It should read 2.6gm per cu cm approx. At 125 gm per cu cm it would be heavier than Uranium which is the heaviest naturally occuring element with a density of 19 gm per cu cm. (Note to self; use old money from now on). Water is 1gm per cu cm, for reference. smiley - run

Subbing Window Glass

Post 14

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Sorry I never noticed this - maths is my poor area. Would you like to go to Editorial Feedback and reword the appropriate part of the Entry and one of the curators will make the changes?

<./>Feedback-Editorial</.> is the place, just stick in the A number/title of the Entry in the subject line and let them know what you need altering.

smiley - ok

Subbing Window Glass

Post 15


smiley - ok

Subbing Window Glass

Post 16

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Danny has done the alteration for you smiley - smiley

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