This is the Message Centre for Medibot


Post 1

this is not a pipe ~--U the rolfing thing..(what's a dead pool?)


Post 2


A dead pool is a pot of money containing bets on which celeb is going to die next.

Just out of curiosity, how did you find my entries?


Post 3

this is not a pipe ~--U

your name just changed!

is that a reference to (must be) medibot from "look around you"?

that was hilarious when the man looked in the mirror at his new, mangled face and said that he loved it....


Post 4

this is not a pipe ~--U

ooops...i'm a bit of a lurker....looked at dozens of personal spaces but rarely post...when i do i tend to unsub from everything pretty quickly...kind of an ocd thing...but not really...


Post 5


Haha! No probs! Yeah I'm usually Medibot (from Look Around You-good knowledge!)

I'm just glad someone's shown an interest!


Post 6

this is not a pipe ~--U

i was in love with Josie D'Arby....smiley - loveblush

day off tomorrow...will be flying the flag for the nappers!

(are you a chris morris fan by any chance?)


Post 7


Good for you! I had an awesome nap yesterday! I have the day off today too.

I haven't seen an awful lot of Chris Morris' stuff to be honet but what I've seen I've enjoyed. So what do you do and how did you angle a day off?


Post 8

this is not a pipe ~--U

well, one of my brothers-in-law refers to me as a "home office heavy", lets see if you can work it out from that..
was working all weekend so maybe not such a great deal really..
thinking about it, it was your boosh ref that hooked me..big fan also...tundra might be my fave the chemistry between fossil and bainbridge (weren't those two supposed to be getting their own show?).
(didn't spot that the moon was noel fielding when i first saw itsmiley - silly)
reckon chris morris has probably pushed comedy as far as it'll go for a while...if you get a chance listen to jam, it was the superior radio version of the later blue jam (tv)..i used to stay up til midnight to listen to it then nod off on the settee and have twisted dreams about people getting "quadrospazzed" in car crashes. can't beat a bit of clever irreverence.

believe it or not i'm not one to rattle on like this...i'll leave you in peace for now. quid pro quo clarissa...what do you do?


Post 9


I'm a teacher cum phone monkey (long story!)
Glad you got the Boosh reference I'm on a mission to convert as many people as possible!

It's weird you mention twisted dreams, cos I've fallen asleep many a time to the Boosh only to have really odd dreams about Vince and Co. Boosh dreams are messed up!

I would love to see a Bainbridge/Fossil combo! The song bit of Tundra is amazing!

Home office heavy? Mm...I haven't a clue but I'm intrigued...


Post 10

this is not a pipe ~--U

friday, saturday and sunday off...watching "out of the past" this afternoon (mitchum..[i'm a bit of a noir fan and this is about as good as it gets]) the dvd in san fran last year and have been keeping it for the right moment...just got to get the maltesers in smiley - tongueout

hats off to teachers..i don't think people acknowledge the positive effect teachers can have on an individual's start in life..i've still got fond memories of mrs. collicott...(ahem).

what do you class as "beautiful" music? just out of interest.

right..operation mitchum is swinging into effect..keep in touch.


Post 11


Yeah I do enjoy teaching. It's hard work sometimes but ultimately gratifying. And all teachers know each other so I'll be having a word with Mrs Collicott smiley - winkeye

A film noir session sounds awesome. I love stuff like that. I dunno if key Largo comes under that catergory but I love it!

As for beautiful music, I have quite eclectic taste. I love Amy Winehouse and Paulo Nutini at the mo, all sorts of indie (Blur, Manics,etc), I'm a huge Bjork fan (Frosti is the song I was thinking of when I wrote about beautiful music) but I also love a bit a cheesy pop and Motown. And Neil Diamond. What a legend! :D How about you?


Post 12

this is not a pipe ~--U

yep..key largo, good noir...
amy winehouse has fantastic eyes..she reminds me of the bluesy cats who sometimes cropped up in tom and jerry..all that hair and cartoony tattoos..
i had the sugar cubes' birthday on 7" and played it to death..absolutely beguiled by it...she's a bit special, bjork. which album was frosti on? can't bring it to mind from the title...maybe if you sang a bit of it....?
"cheesy" is good..but take it to its logical conclusion and you arrive at "corky"....examples of which are:-

half man half biscuit..busy little market town
stump..buffalo (defines the genre)
dean elliott..lonesome road (a masterclass of cork)
will oldham and rian murphy..all most heaven (...big oldham fan)

i could go on...

yes to diamond..delirious love..have you heard any of the albums cash made on the "american" label just before his departure? his renditions of "bridge over troubled water" and lightfoot's "if you could read my mind" are treasures.

i used to drag my feet when the last class finished and always volunteered to wipe the blackboard for mrs.c....i think she thought it was funny...i was only eight.

hope you're having a good day, take care.


Post 13


I can't remember the Frosti album. It's one of the later, more experimental ones that I'm not as keen on.
Vespertine. But it's Homogenic that does it for me. Awesome album. I'll have to check out those Neil tracks as well. I love the man.

I'm having a good day ta. More chilled out than I was expecting so woo!

Got any plans for the weekend?


Post 14

this is not a pipe ~--U

weekend...hmmm..going to states in a week's time so have to go shopping for clothes, need informal AND formal, i think linen shirts are called for. hate clothes shopping..don't like tiny changing rooms, or attentive staff...or inattentive staff.....hell..
i'll make a point of listening to the bjork album so i can get a handle on you...i'm good you know, by the time i've listened to it twice i'll have quite an in depth profile on you..phobias, kinks, emotional type etc etc....
what will you be up to this weekend? weather here is abysmal..probably same for everyone....heck, sat afternoons are fertile grounds for some serious napping opportunity....the sound of distant thunder adds a certain je ne sais quoi, don't you think? smiley - winkeye
speak soon..


Post 15


Sorry for the delay in replying. I bought the new Harry Potter and I was determined not to read any spoilers! (Saddo eh?)

The thunder has been awesome the only good thing about this torrential rain. So where are you from then? Hope you haven't been flooded out!

I don't envy the clothes shopping either. I usually take a 'seek and destroy' approach to shopping. I refuse point blank to enter many shops at Christmas either. I did most of mine the intermaweb last year. Very pleasant as you can do it sat in your jammies, drinking mulled wine and letting the postie lug it round.

So have you managed to analyse based on my musial tastes? I'm intrigued I must say...

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