Journal Entries

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It is my great goal in life to bring the world together through the art of literature. So here on this little piece of the web over which I have been given dominion, I plan for a globbal story.
The Concept: Each person adds a little bit of themselves (their joys, sorrows, sense of humor, etc.) to the story. It becomes our story.
The Rules: Yes, rules.
1) Each entry is to be exactly ONE sentence in length.
2) A person may not have consecutive entries. There must be at least one other entry before you resubmit.
3) No profanity. If you must use a curse word in dialect, use just the first letter or two and use asteriskes for the rest.
4) Have fun.

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Latest reply: Jun 20, 2000


I have a little bunny that I named "Matrix". But NOT because of the movie... Of course nobody believes me. "Yeah, sure" they all say. But trully, I named her Matrix because 1) It means "the womb" (fitting for a little girl bunny), and 2) I am a mathematician.

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Latest reply: Jun 18, 2000

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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