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Post 1


I have a little bunny that I named "Matrix". But NOT because of the movie... Of course nobody believes me. "Yeah, sure" they all say. But trully, I named her Matrix because 1) It means "the womb" (fitting for a little girl bunny), and 2) I am a mathematician.


Post 2

Zeebledrox Oblivion Zoink-Narf

I think that is a totally cool name for a rabbit. It's very creative and obviously has a lot of thought behind it. Good luck with the litter situation. ;o)


Post 3


I've had an additional suggestion identical yo yours regarding the litter, but I wish I could just convince Matrix without using intricate measures.


Post 4


Matrix still won't use the litter box properly, although I believe that she is beginning to see the light.
I put a bell on her harness, so now when I let her run around she makes little dingly sounds.

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