This is the Message Centre for haustrian

Thursday dropping by...

Post 1


Hi haustrian! I'm Alex, I run the Campaign for Thursday, and we're currently recruiting smiley - biggrin

The campaign is steadily growing (we don't know when or where it will stop), and we've got some good conversations going.

The main page is at U1127621 , although you may just want to join in with "The last one to say 'wop' wins" (F1948948?thread=565160&latest=1) - you can do this without having to sign up for anything... smiley - cool


Thursday dropping by...

Post 2


thanks for the invite. i checked it out, and i'm not quite sure i understand what it is. perhaps you could give me a little insite...smiley - smiley

Thursday dropping by...

Post 3


h2g2 has two opposing campaigns, the Thingites and the Thursdayites, each with its particular brand of nonsense. The Thingites want to rename Thursday 'thing', causing great confusion. Of course we don't mind confusion, but we happen to like the weekdays as they are. Note that the Thingites aren't advocating more weekends or anything sensible like that - they just want to rename stuff...

Alex smiley - smiley

Thursday dropping by...

Post 4


haha. sounds good to me. thursdays happen to be my favorite day of the looks like youv'e go tyourself another Thursdayite. thanks for the clarity.smiley - biggrin

Thursday dropping by...

Post 5


smiley - ok

Have fun... smiley - biggrin

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