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Welcome Jol! (and Petunias)
Bluebottle Started conversation Jun 18, 2000
Hi Jol - frankly I'm impressed that you know how to spell Petunias. I never know how to, so I'm guessing. But then, I don't really know that much about flowers, vegetables or things grown and eaten. I'm not really sure what a petunia is, sorry. Still, I do know H2G2, and I hopefully know enough to help you get used to the guide.
There's a New user page:-
and a Guide to H2G2:
to help newbies get used to it, and there's also a Beach:
which is a great place to meet other people. Apart from that, look out for ACEs (Assistant Community Editors) who help newcomers get used to the guide. So, if you have any questions, would like any help, or would like a general chat - let me know, and I'll do what I can to help, okay?
See you around!
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Welcome Jol! (and Petunias)
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