This is the Message Centre for Zilch

Moving to New Places, etc.

Post 1


I just got my AA from a community college, right? So, after going to UCF, then BCC, I'm off to UNF (Univ. of North Florida,) in Jacksonville,
where I know absolutely NOBODY. No one. Not even a pigeon.
So, like, how do you handle something like that? Weird.
Aside form that, I've got to move all of my stuff there. I don't even think it will all fit. And, I hear they don't let you use amplified instruments (ie, guitars) in the dorms. Of course, they said that in my last apartment at UCF, but I played anyway. Maybe they just have that rule so they can tell you to turn that dman thing down.
I'm getting nervous. I NEVER get nervous. You know, Mr. Calm. Whatever.

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Moving to New Places, etc.

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