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Post 1


My reply to you got triangled! That's a first for me, I've had it done many times on the normal boards but not here.

Probably one of the chicken liver pate fans!


Post 2


It really really would be sad if someone did that. Did you use any naughty words though? Someone else I know got a post removed from here but then found out the language filter is quite strict and posts can get automatically removed.

But I take it you do agree with me.


Post 3


Oh yes I agree.

It was up for a couple of hours before it was removed. I have e-mailed them to ask why and I'll see what they say.

I know lots of other people are sick and tired of him too.

Oh well, hopefully he'll stick to 'the other side' and just pop back when someone needs to know which paprika to use or somebody has cut the nose off a cheese smiley - tongueout



Post 4


smiley - laugh If only he would stay there, but I think he believes the beeb can't survive without him being there to help people. If only he would stop going on about how negative the boards are and about trouble makers, when he is the one causing most of the problems! Oh well, time will tell.

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