This is the Message Centre for Fashion Cat


Post 21

Fashion Cat

*creeps up behind DD as quietly as possible*

*gives him a hug*

how was that?


Post 22

Demon Drawer

*goes all gooey inside*

Great. smiley - smiley

*hugs back*


Post 23

Fashion Cat

aw... missed you. but then you know that! its great to be back here.


Post 24

Demon Drawer

Know that. smiley - smiley

And back home is always a good place to be. Of course it all depends where you call home.


Post 25

Fashion Cat

eek. where I call home? I tend to call wherever I'm staying home *ie I'll just be heading off home* but real home? I guess with mum, dad and my bro. that would be real home...


Post 26

Demon Drawer

Well there you go having really grown up in London I feel that every time I go there I'm back home in a sence, but then I return here and get the same feelings. Boy it is hard really.


Post 27

Fashion Cat


well, i thought I'd do it here, away from all the other festivities and card signings, so I wouldnt get lost in the crowd! (babes message that she wrote was rather sweet actually... that one may be worth reading... smiley - smiley)

enjoy the rest of your day hon...



Post 28

Demon Drawer

I'm working my way thfough my backlog, quite and event wasn't it. smiley - smiley


Post 29

Fashion Cat

well, it is the birthday of someone special, cant remember who's it was though... smiley - smiley


Post 30

Demon Drawer

I somehow think you did

smiley - kiss


Post 31

Fashion Cat

do you know... well i may have to prove to you that i didnt tomorrow. but then i am meeting you at the airport... could be harder than i originally thought smiley - bigeyes

*14 hrs. missing you hon*

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