This is the Message Centre for Sara

Greetings Sara

Post 21


I would love to chat some more but my boss keeps hanging around. Some newys are a bit gooey. I sure I was. As for a group of ACE's I think a gaggle is about right. Although you do get a Murder of Crows...A murder of ACE's...Hmmmm...Murder...ACE's...Na!smiley - smiley

Greetings Sara

Post 22


~grin~... me thinks a grin of ace's sounds good...

Greetings Sara

Post 23

Demon Drawer

A Donut of ACES.

smiley - smiley

Sorry typo a Donut for ACES. smiley - winkeye

Greetings Sara

Post 24


Big typo.. ~grin~

Should read... A Doughnut for Greebo...

Greetings Sara

Post 25

Demon Drawer

No I prefer the original correction. smiley - smiley

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