This is the Message Centre for Gus
Welcome, Gus!
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Started conversation Jun 9, 2000
Hi, welcome to h2g2 - I'm one of the Assistant Community Editors, so if you need any advice on anything h2g2 related, feel free to ask!
If you're looking for somewhere to go, you might want to try the welcome page for newcomers - - or the Aces' homepage - - which has lots of interesting links.
Also, if you click on the h2g2 logo in the top left corner, it will take you back to the front page, which gets updated daily with all the latest goodies. You can also click on my name to visit my homepage, should you be that way inclined... Have fun!
Welcome, Gus!
Gus Posted Jun 10, 2000
Dear Dr. Vibesntein,
thanks for the warm welcome. I'm sorry to bother you immediately with a little problem, but I do so since it is of some importance. I often do log on to h2g2 from a university terminal. Unfortunately the computer seems to remember me (although I can't remember to have ticked that option when registring). Well, anyway, anybody surfing and arrivin at is automatically recognized as owner of my email, can log on ton "My Page" and so on. Is there any way to disactivate that option?
Thanks and have a nice week-end,
Welcome, Gus!
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Jun 10, 2000
Hmmm, interesting... are you remembering to click on "logout" before leaving?
Welcome, Gus!
Gus Posted Jun 13, 2000
Ooops! That seems to have been the reason. Thanks for your help and sorry for bothering you with such a trivial problem.
Welcome, Gus!
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Jun 13, 2000
No problem, that's what I'm here for! *raises hat*
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Welcome, Gus!
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