Journal Entries

You never know ..

I was about to start reviewing the weekend, when I checked my Roskilde Memorial [Broken link removed by Moderator]website and just read one account from a guy who fell on top of one of the Danish guys that died and another message from the sister of the Australian guy who died.

I feel like I am going to cry, I have a lump in my throat, oh God .... I never expected this ..... have to go have a ciggie ....

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Latest reply: Jul 24, 2000


Yesterday I got around to sending out about 200 emails to people that had left messages (in English) on Roskilde Festival's message board.

I wanted to tell them about my memorial website and hopeful get some more ideas/information for it.

I could not believe so many took the time and wrote some beautiful things. Thanks guys/girls. Of course you can not please everyone and there was one that disagreed with the site being there. I do hope that I am doing the right thing by creating this site ....

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Latest reply: Jul 20, 2000


Go look, go look NOW! I am so happy, I have become a journalist for the Post! I am writing three (!) sections - News from Denmark, International news headlines & Net news !!!

I went online first thing this morning too check and there they are, Shazz many thanks.

PLUS my wedding is the very first in the wedding announcements!!!!!

The only thing to put a very small spot on this is PEET. Peet is a user of H2G2, he has been pissing off a lot of people about the Cigarettes article. Of course there are going to people who dislike smoking, but I thought (wrongly) the he might listen to reason. I tried to put forward a balanced view of smokers and smoking, but all he wants to do is p**s smokers off.

I strongly urge you to shun this fool, do not comment on any of his articles or forum postings.

Anyway, I am happy and that will not be changed by small minded fools.

+++ It is IKEA shopping today!! I know I am sad, but I love that store, so much so I shall shortly be writing an article all about it, can't wait eh?!!!!

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Latest reply: Jul 18, 2000

Special price for u my friend

When oh when will Monday mornings be banned? No one likes them, the government does not tax them, so why have them??

Saying that, it is a rather good Monday morning even though I could very easerly go back to bed mmmmmmmmm IKEA bed of ours loverly smiley - smiley

Where was I ? Oh yeah not bad, etc. From Tuesday my boss goes on his hols for two weeks !! Not that he is a bad boss by any means, just that when your boss it out something strange happens - the problems almost disappear?! Another good point is I somehow managed to plan this weeks evening activities all before breakfast!! Nothing majorly exciting but feels good to have some sort of plan -

Monday - Laundry !! Since I have run out of clean underwear!!!
- Book haircuts - Been nearly three months now!!
- Sort of music for wedding - okay so Åsa is doing this.
Tuesday - IKEA shopping!! Love wondering around this store for ages.
Wednesday - Create wedding 'program' & send out reminder invite emails
Thursday - Was going to be drinks with Clara, but now just Åsa and
Friday - Round to Mathias for some food and then out drinking!!!

I waiting at the moment to hear about my forth coming column in The POST !! My friend Sara will find it funny that I have become a part time journalist, as she is studying to become a full time one!!!

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Latest reply: Jul 17, 2000

Ho hum

I have this strange feeling of not quite being in focus. Sort of not quite inline with everyone else.

I have not had any emails from the last few days and no replies to my stuff on H2G2, I know this is not a long time, but still ...

Plus my wedding is coming closer ..... not that I need to panic as we have almost everything booked & paid for. I guess it is the fact we are going to see the vicar again tonight and I am not worrying (I am THE natural born worrier) about the finer details now.

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Latest reply: Jul 13, 2000

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