This is the Message Centre for Jesus A la Mode


Post 1

njan (afh)

Morning, and welcome to the guide. My name's Njan, and I'll be your ACE for this flight. I'd like to welcome you aboard, and wish you all the best of luck. smiley - smiley

Sorry, I'm being silly...

I'm an ACE, and the ACE's job(s) is (are) to welcome new people to the guide, and hunt out new guide entries. Hence I'm here to be the first person to extend to you the official h2g2 warm welcome. smiley - smiley

In case of problem, please feel free to shout at me (click reply, I'll notice eventually) or go to the ACE's Homepage, and pester someone there (they're a friendly bunch). The ACE's Homepage is linked to from the h2g2 front page, and contains all sorts of useful links.

Good luck in your trip around the guide!
Take care!

- Njan.

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