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a little puppy

Post 81


have you tried telling them how rude it is?

a little puppy

Post 82


Well, I thought about it, but considering they can send me to jail, I'm thinking no.

a little puppy

Post 83


tsk tsk tsk it's a messed up place you live in when _they_ can send _you_ to jail because _they_ where rude smiley - laugh

a little puppy

Post 84


Well, they are officers*shrug*
Seriously, I could get court marshal for letting my hair down, or wearing a scarf, or a ruuber band the wrong colour. Of course, they have already resolved all those pesky little military issues you ocasionally hear about in the news, and are now free to deal with the really important stuff.

a little puppy

Post 85


military *shrug*..... where all the people who actually think you do a better job if they send you to "jail" for wearing something someone else doesn't like smiley - erm

a little puppy

Post 86


Ah, but the people who write reports that end up sending you to jail are not in actuality the people you work with, so they don't really care if your job gets done or not.
Maybe someday I will write a book about my time in the army. I'm thinking it would be a satire.

a little puppy

Post 87


but isn't the army a satire in itself? So any book you write about it will end up a satire?

a little puppy

Post 88


There are people who take it very seriously*shrug*. Go figure. I imagine they have to take it seriously because they devote their whole life to it. Or possibly, they just have no sence of humor. Probably the later.

a little puppy

Post 89


or perharps we are just to much "free spirits" smiley - laugh

a little puppy

Post 90


Yeahsmiley - laugh
My "free spirit" has been so constrained in the past two years that it is peobably gonna erupt like a volcano when it's all over.

a little puppy

Post 91


hey missy no exploding in my journal smiley - biggrin

a little puppy

Post 92


Don't worry. Only people near me physicaly should feel the impact. After all, I have no constraints about saying whatever I want here anyway, so there is no cause for any explosion.
By the way, we're not supposed to say we are soldiers on the internet, but there is a limit to everyting. I'll tell them where the can stick their rules.

a little puppy

Post 93


pheeew feel free to say whatever you want whenever you want smiley - smiley

I do think your "secret" is safe within hootoo smiley - smiley

a little puppy

Post 94


I don't know where that particular rule comes from. Do they think I'm gonna publish classified information I don't have?

a little puppy

Post 95


mmm yeah sounds like their kind of logic smiley - smiley

a little puppy

Post 96


It's especially funny when they belive it. My officers are much to smart for that, but there are those who belive whatever the army tells them is true. The stupider it sounds, the more acurate it must therfore be.

a little puppy

Post 97


perharps you should reenlist just to try and get enough rank to actually change the thing

a little puppy

Post 98


Many have tried to "change the system from the inside". It doesn't work with any system. I could have gone to become an officer, you know. And yet, somehow, I don't feel any regrets.

a little puppy

Post 99


purely theoretically it should work smiley - smiley

a little puppy

Post 100


It should. But it somehow doesn't. I'm gonna contend myself with it not beeing my problem any longer real soonsmiley - winkeye

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