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a little puppy

Post 321


who ever spoke about giving up smiley - laugh

me........ peppy?.......... *shivers*..... bad bad bad bad bad thoguht smiley - rofl

I know you mean well so why would I get mad? smiley - smiley

a little puppy

Post 322


Peppy people are scary period, and it wouldn't fit you, I can tellsmiley - laugh
I know from expirience, that it can be annoying when things are bad and people are telling you it will be alright. It doesn't really help, but there is not much else you can say. I do mean well, though. I caresmiley - smiley

a little puppy

Post 323


being hyper fits me....... peppy?...... naaaaaa

don't forget that Stephie does cheer me up smiley - smiley Doesn't help me with the studying...... but at least I'm kinda happy when she's around smiley - smiley

a little puppy

Post 324


That's goodsmiley - smiley
You deserve to be happy, even if it only comes in small doses right nowsmiley - smiley

a little puppy

Post 325


everyone besides norms deserve to be happy smiley - smiley

a little puppy

Post 326


Yet somehow norms (I love that term by the way) are much happyer then people like us as a rule...Not fair, is it?

a little puppy

Post 327


I adore that term to which is why I started using it smiley - smiley..... and no not fair at all smiley - sadface

a little puppy

Post 328


My mom sometimes tell me I don't know how to be happy. Could be that's true. But if the only way to do it is by becoming more like everyone else.....I just can't do it, even if I wanted to.

a little puppy

Post 329


I don't think so, I just think we need to be happier on a deeper level..... where norms usually are very superficial and becomes happy about just about anything

a little puppy

Post 330


That's a very acute observation. Alot of things can make me feel happy, but it doesn't really sink in deep enough, so it doesn't last.

a little puppy

Post 331


I do have my moments smiley - smiley

*looks at time* isn't it your bedtime weee one?

a little puppy

Post 332


We have a time difference of what, an hour?
I guess it issmiley - erm
Hang in there till tomorrow and remmber: if you can't will yourself into feeling better and there is no one around to help, there is allwayssmiley - choc

a little puppy

Post 333


it's 23:28 here

sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite

a little puppy

Post 334


So there is an hours difference...preety much what I thought.
Good morningsmiley - smiley

a little puppy

Post 335


good morning

I still don't know the time difference betveen here and Isreal though *shrug*

a little puppy

Post 336

Horatio_Caine: {Princess Garnet Til Alexandros XVII}

smiley - yawn

*clicks back* mmm the spiny goodnesssmiley - biggrin

Morning smiley - biggrin *giggles*

a little puppy

Post 337


argh that was lily and not Steph, gotta learn to wake up before I post, now I know the time difference betveen Israel and here smiley - smiley

a little puppy

Post 338


spiny goodess?

moorning angel

a little puppy

Post 339

Horatio_Caine: {Princess Garnet Til Alexandros XVII}

smiley - smiley Yeah i cracked my back *giggles* smiley - biggrin
You should try it, it feels good! smiley - biggrin

a little puppy

Post 340


no thanks smiley - biggrin

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