This is the Message Centre for Kalkstein


Post 1


Pfingsten is a weekend which is after easter ( I think it is fourty days of something like that) were peolple in the north of Germany go to events called "Frühtanz". This partys start usally around 2 o'clock in the morning on Sunday and go on till around lunch. This activities are related to the beginning of spring, an extra public holiday (Pfingstmontag) and usally result in quite a lot of drinking.


Post 2

Princess Bride

Sounds very interesting! I take it you're from Germany then? If you're interested in writing an article about anything you can just go down to "create a new guide entry" and begin! You might want to check out the submission guidelines first though. My name is Princess Bride and I am a greeter here at h2g2, and I wanted to welcome you to our community. Here are two links that will help you get started- This is a quick reference guide. This is a newcomer's page where you can talk to others like yourself and get to know some people...

If you have a question, just click on REPLY or click on my name and you can visit and post on my homepage. Again, Welcome! smiley - smiley


Post 3


Hi! Well I putted a short entry on Pfingsten some days ago, it is basically same than I wrote above, may a little more details (at least I mentioned the tractor). However doing this I found a little more about the difference o a forum and an entry, well at least I know that there is a difference...
Pfingsten however is gone now, but it will have a comeback in 2001, this year is continuing with a trip to spain, which I start 10 days from now, means I have to look for spain entrys today. Shortly after beeing back from spain I have to give away this PC, since it is owned by the company I am working for. But the Kalkstein account at the provider stays with me, so sooner or later I will be back via another PC, may I write down some impressions from the spain trip then, may I start writing something else, to write is like to read or like to travel: since I am suffering on todays mayor desease, a huge leack of time, I yust can not get enough of it.....
I will search for spain entrys now, yust a question: a view on your homepage told about a movie called princess bride, so thats what your name is from. Am I right guessing the titel is about a daughter of a king who is going to marry? Prinzessin Braut is the translation i guessed, and this would mean....... a daughter of a king who is going to marry.
Hälsningar Kalkstein


Post 4

Princess Bride

Well that is the correct translation, but the movie is about a girl who lives on a farm who is forced to become engaged to a prince. It is about what happens while she is engaged to him. It is really a comedy about fairy tales in general and is very funny. I am not really a "Princess Bride" but I love the movie.
Good luck to you in Spain and have fun writing! smiley - smiley

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