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postcard from Greece - to michael

Post 1


michael my friend,

soon I am to depart for Greece,(we're on a work-trip) and will be leaving this hootoo heaven on Monday 25 July - until the cool days of early September -

this is just to say farewell and thankyou - you have been such a precious part of my first (rather frantic) few weeks here on h2g2 - I have been through some things, believe me, and have crossed the canyon with the muse itself - thankyou for enduring my persistent insistent musings - no matter how you protest, I have great respect for you as a writer -

- in September I'm going to really roll it with the muse - I might become totally incoherent, a firework of fragments, but there's no point faking it, and I can always ask someone to help me edit if I want to put some things out there! I'm excited, Michael - its all only just beginning for me (on the inside that is - I have no interest in proving my name ... you know that ..)

I always thought my writing was so weird I would hurt people, as its a bit dark and strange sometimes, but now I see that my spirit is not hurtful, my muse is something to do with Love - I can only add my fragment to something as vast as the nameless vastness itself -

the more I open to the muse, the stranger the poetry in my head does become - I want to write in pattern, pure pattern .....

Michael, this is my official farewell -

we meet again in September, I do sincerely hope -


postcard from Greece - to michael

Post 2



You are a pleasure. A treasure. A delight in my world.

May your travels be fruitfull and safe!

I (we) await your September return. Anxiously.

smiley - magic

(My envy goes with you. I believe the most sensuously beautiful places on the planet are in Greece.)

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postcard from Greece - to michael

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