This is the Message Centre for michaeldetroit

Knock! Knock!

Post 1

Phred Firecloud

I've been asked to "polish" the AW article "Four Small Poems Entitled 'Love".

It has been suggested to me that it would be interesting to include some or all of the response poems that appeared on the review thread.

I was told to discuss this idea with both Poetique and (for some reason) MichaelDetroit.

What are your thoughts on that suggestion?


Knock! Knock!

Post 2


hi FP!

Thanks for the wake-up knock-knock. I hadn't seen the surprising news that 'Love' had been tapped for greater glories. And now, with only slightly more refelction, I hasten to add that I don't envy you the 'polishing' chore. How does one 'polish' an entire thread?

(To clarify a wee bit, 'poetique' came to life without benefit of birth, background or forebears as the spokesvoice for a small -- and some say largely imaginary -- band of self-described literati prowling the dusty backalleys and musty bookshops of Krakow. Part alter ego, part life guard, part journalist, part balladeer, he/she is the collection of voices around my table and -- indeed -- in my head.)

As for a format for this exercise, my first thought is to publish the original (with introduction intact) and link to a thread with 'polished/edited' follow-up contributions. But that's just a first thought. Perhaps there is a way to gather the several into a single entry. I don't know at this moment though what that might be.

smiley - erm

I'll return with second thoughts later today if possible.


Knock! Knock!

Post 3

Phred Firecloud


Please look here A6091823 and give me your guidance on both the wording of the "editor's comment" and the linked article. Thanks.

Knock! Knock!

Post 4

Phred Firecloud

Sorry...Look here.

A6070637 Four Small Poems Entitled 'Love' (UG)

Knock! Knock!

Post 5


smiley - cheers FP...!

My only suggestion regards the presentation of the follow-up entries. I would put the authors' names with the 'title' rather than at the end of the submissions... like this:

Four Small Poems Entitled Love (number 2)
by Frontiersman

Make sense?

Knock! Knock!

Post 6

Phred Firecloud

Hi md,

Makes sense.

It's 4:30AM here in Wooly Meadows State Park, Arkansas.

My celluar modem bars are merginal....I'll try to get those changes made and off to the editors if the ether holds out...Damn! more bats!

Knock! Knock!

Post 7


Looks great to me.

(btw - I believe that's the first time I've ever had a first-hand report from Wooly Meadows State Park, Arkansas!) smiley - ok

(on the other hand, I do get periodic messages from someone claiming to be in Woody Mellows State Hospital, Kansas.)

hmmmmm...smiley - erm

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