This is the Message Centre for Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)
Dr.John Started conversation Oct 15, 2000
Some thinking of lonely souls trying desperatly to create,and the net is a fertile soil.
Never give UP!!
You are strong ! Fast in thinking.
You can be a Net saint because you torture your body with Interlag and free your mind.
Think positive!!
All will be fine!!
Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like) Posted Oct 16, 2000
l wonder who you are, and what drew you to my page, and what you mean by lnterLag.
l find you intriguing, and welcome you to the Guide.
l see you have been greeted by Angels and ACEd, but if you've any further questions, feel free to direct them my way.
Dr.John Posted Oct 16, 2000
Thank you for your welcome. Well i am new here, and trying to figure out h2g2 which I admit is intriguing to me. Well as to how I found you,I clicked on your entry and read your latest posting.
Then decided to answer.
Interlag...for me is like Jetlag...
I have it often..Its interesting..
I will try to discribe it in later postings.
See you
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