Journal Entries

Convertibles and Coloring

Well, time to hash together a bit of quick unfunny writing to make me feel like I'm still making a bit of an effort on this page....

Well against better advice and rational thought I bought a little convertible - great I hear you 3 cry! A convertible, waht fun, scoot about with the wind in your (thinning) hair, women swooning at the cool site of it all etc. Well, maybe that's true if you don't sizzle like a strip of bacon when exposed to the sun. Don't get me wrong, I love the convertible, top down, music blasting on a hot day is an almost sexual experience, but mother nature never intended for me to experience such thrills.

You see, I'm from the Irish/Scottish gene pool which dictates reddish blonde hair/blue eyes/and skin so pale you burn from exposure to a fluorescent lamp.

I still haven't got round to the daily routine of covering myself with sunblock (spf 55 no less!) and currently have red raw temples to adverise my laziness and cultural heritage.

I love California and the sun - shame I ain't desined for it!


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Latest reply: Aug 22, 2000

4th July....


the 4th of Julky came and went - with barely a flicker of interest across my jaded exterior. I was too distracted driving about in my new car and getting horribly sunburnt.

My parents experienced the whole 4th of July thing much more directly - in Huntington Beach LA - where they saw a local parade full of notaries of the area and lots of big flag waving.

I was once in France for Bastille day and was surprised to see that more fuss was made over it in that country than I experienced here in the US!

Well, my next journal entry will attempt to detail tha aftermath of me incrementing my personnal clock on another year (has anyon else noticed that about60% of the population has their birthday around now!)


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Latest reply: Aug 1, 2000

6/26/00 - me first Journal Entry


I thought I'd better try to write something and keep my hand in on this page...

This is my first journal entry and I'll try to keep it as brief and unfunny as is possible - after all, I wouldn't want to raise the bar too high on my first attempt...

Well, this weekend I took a trip to Yosemite national park (more spcifically, the valley bit) and was both stunned, amused soaked and exhausted by the experience. A few amsuing things happened and I gained a few insights on what to do better the next time, so I may try to write a non-campers guide to a visit to Yosemite as my first brutal stab at a guide entry...

Well, I'll try to make an entry a week - next week will be my thoughts and amusement at the 4th of July stuff - so listener - stay tuned!


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Latest reply: Jun 27, 2000

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