This is the Message Centre for Gabriel

I read it!

Post 1


See, someone did read your info and let me tell you it is indeed more interesting than my own.
I too suffer from the affliction of not liking to think of something witty and exciting to write...I was interested!
Take care,

I read it!

Post 2



and now I'm struggling out of the miry pit of apathy to thank you!

No no no - it's sucking me back dow.....


I read it!

Post 3


Norb read it too smiley - smiley

I read it!

Post 4


Did Norb like it??

I read it!

Post 5

Yevrah Niai Researcher 148101

And Yervah Niai read it. Pay a visit to my space & tell me what you think of it.

smiley - smiley Iain smiley - smiley

I read it!

Post 6

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I read it too!
I like your name!
*flutter of wings*

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