This is the Message Centre for mjScarab


Post 1


Hi, MjScarab, and welcome to the Guide. I'm one of the Assistant Community Editors, and part of our job is to make new researchers feel at home.

Not much to explain really - most things around the Guide are fairly intuitive - click on things such as the H2G2 logo at top left, or my ID above and you'll get some sort of idea about links. Don't panic about dropping into forums where you don't know anybody - we're always glad to see new people join in.

Btw - like your home page quote - it's similar to one of my own favourites, which goes along the lines of "It's not how often you fall down that counts, it's how many times you get up"

Once again, welcome, and have fun!


Post 2


Thanks. Glad you liked it.


Post 3

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

And I'll also welcome you to h2g2! To help get you started, here's a couple of links I found useful: (a quick reference guide to all things h2g2), (the newcomers welcome thread). Share and enjoy! :-)

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