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your skinhead arcticle

Post 1

emo kid

just ruddy brilliant. i loved it. i have a freind who is oi, and he hates nazis. many people do not understand the skinhead sub-culture. i wanted to ask i could borrow your writing and use it on another message board, if i give you crdit and all. i would really like that. thanks so much.


your skinhead arcticle

Post 2


Of course it's fine with me if you'd like to quote my article. It would be appreciated if you'd quote me. It would also be nice if you were to send me a link to wherever you post it. I have no idea how long ago you left me this message, so I apologise if it's a late reply. I sort of assume that you already went ahead and reproduced the article, which is fine, but that link would still be nice.

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