This is the Message Centre for Funkenmarie

Hi there Funkenmarie !

Post 1

Keeper of the seven keys

Nice little name for a Hamburg-Lady, i would have expected this
name from someone living in the Cologne-Düsseldorf-Area.

Nice to have you here smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout

Hi there Funkenmarie !

Post 2


Thanks for your welcoming!

Calling me Head of a Fish, like the most other Germans do, sounds not good to me and so I recalled the nickname a friend once gave me, because of my strange walk.

Where are you from?


Hi there Funkenmarie !

Post 3

Keeper of the seven keys

Oh yes now I understand !!
okay , I think its not so nice to call you fishheads or so.
maybe northern lights is better (if s.o. needs such terms)
Where i do come from?
take a Map
My coordinates: 48° 9´ north
8° 24´east

Have a nice day smiley - tongueout

Hi there Funkenmarie !

Post 4


i. e. you are more than 700 km south of Elbe = nowhereland! :O)

Are you from earth or only visiting?


Hi there Funkenmarie !

Post 5

Keeper of the seven keys

Congratulations !!
good work
it´s nice to live in nowhereland,thank god i got my computer,
so i can talk to everybody on h2g2 and the rest of the world.

where do i come from ? thats a real philosophical question
K. smiley - tongueout

Hi there Funkenmarie !

Post 6


You should change your name in "keeper of the seven secrets"

Hi there Funkenmarie !

Post 7

Keeper of the seven keys

Okay okay
to prevent that curiosity kills you:
I live in a veeeery small village called Wellendingen
(1700 residents) 80 km south of Stuttgart.

so you can call it nowhereland !
but i like it
are you satisfied ??

so, can i keep my old nickname ?

bye K. smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout

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