This is the Message Centre for Matthew Kershaw

100 Ways to tell you I love thee...

Post 101

Fashion Cat

hehe... *wonders if the next 99 will get increasingly more interesting*

I'll keep my ears open, dont worry... though i wont know much for a while, as i'm 600 miles away right now! smiley - sadface

*circles November in red on her computer* tell me when its definite. I guess I'd better meet my future husband!

100 Ways to tell you I love thee...

Post 102

Matthew Kershaw

2. Female (I hope !!! smiley - tongueout * crosses fingers *)

3. Blue Eyes

4. Foreign Accent (Alright, it's not French or indeed a rich Surrey accent, but it will do... smiley - tongueout)

5. Moles (Although, I don't wish to divulge precisely where they are for fear of legal prosecution... smiley - winkeye )

6. Smart (Unless Universities in Britain really are as behind the standards of Australian Universities as they say... smiley - tongueout)

7. Blonde (Mind You, from the photos that really is pushing the boundries of blonde to its absolute limits... smiley - smiley )

Well, we should really get to know each other before we get 'hitched'... smiley - smiley

I'll keep you informed... smiley - smiley

BTW I got a fancy certificate from the Golden Key lot proclaiming my scolastic propensity today... It should look good on the front page of my resume... smiley - tongueout


100 Ways to tell you I love thee...

Post 103

Fashion Cat

2. Female (I hope !!! smiley - tongueout * crosses fingers *)

*has a quick check* yes, i still appear to be female at the moment!

3. Blue Eyes

well... blue/grey. but i love my eyes...

4. Foreign Accent (Alright, it's not French or indeed a rich Surrey accent, but it will do... )

nope. not French, or Surrey... but its me, and its different...

5. Moles (Although, I don't wish to divulge precisely where they are for fear of legal prosecution... )

*cough* smiley - bigeyes

6. Smart (Unless Universities in Britain really are as behind the standards of Australian Universities as they say... )

well... only slightly!

7. Blonde (Mind You, from the photos that really is pushing the boundries of blonde to its absolute limits... )

I'm going ginger at the moment! And i have no idea why! (i've never died my hair so its all different colours... but going redder every day...)

Well, we should really get to know each other before we get 'hitched'...

I should hope so. I mean, you're going to be stuck with me until death do us part... so we'd better get acquainted!

and congrats on the certificate!

100 Ways to tell you I love thee...

Post 104

Matthew Kershaw

8. Red Hair (Alright, perhaps a little contradictory, but hey I reserve the right to change my mind at an instant. Well, why should women have the exclusive right to do so...smiley - tongueout. But, I've always liked, as in liked Grrr!!!! Shirley Manson, and I'm sure you have the accent *see as above*...smiley - bigeyes *

9. Protection (Given the Scottish culture has a 'Stitch that Jimmy' hard men mentality, this probably means that the women who have to repel their drunken advances, when they finally get home from the pub, the women are probably harder than men other cultures...smiley - winkeye )

10. Honey (I won't elaborate, as it will probably result in a sticky conclusion to proceedings...smiley - winkeye )

11. Legs * eleven * (Your current lack of mobility means I might have a chance of catching you young maiden... smiley - tongueout)

12. Time (Your log-on time concurs with mine...smiley - smiley )

13. Demons * the devils number * (You thankfully don't share any of the character traits of drop dead gorgeous babe...)

14. Kissing (Karma like desire to be kissed in the exact same spot... smiley - smiley . The lawyers inform me I cannot elaborate...smiley - tongueout )

15. Sense of Humour (i.e you have one...)

16. Student (i.e. presumably any meal is a good meal, so when dating the guy doesn't have to take out a personal loan to keep one in the style which she is accustomed to...smiley - winkeye )


100 Ways to tell you I love thee...

Post 105

Fashion Cat

8. Red Hair (Alright, perhaps a little contradictory, but hey I reserve the right to change my mind at an instant. Well, why should women have the exclusive right to do so...

hey... us women are allowed, men - definitely not! smiley - bigeyes

9. Protection (Given the Scottish culture has a 'Stitch that Jimmy' hard men mentality, this probably means that the women who have to repel their drunken advances, when they finally get home from the pub, the women are probably harder than men other cultures... )

hehe... oh boy, i tend to find that most men tend to disappear after a few choice words and laughter if you dont like them... smiley - winkeye So would I be protecting you?

10. Honey (I won't elaborate, as it will probably result in a sticky conclusion to proceedings... )

probably best. I mean who knows where the honey could leave us...

11. Legs * eleven * (Your current lack of mobility means I might have a chance of catching you young maiden... )

hehe... I'm getting better at walking fast with crutches though... And I'll hit you to keep you from catching me!

12. Time (Your log-on time concurs with mine... )

for the moment... unfortunately, I have no idea how it will be this time next week...

13. Demons * the devils number * (You thankfully don't share any of the character traits of drop dead gorgeous babe...)

Is that a good thing? There are a couple of traits of hers that I wished I had...

14. Kissing (Karma like desire to be kissed in the exact same spot... . The lawyers inform me I cannot elaborate... )

*cough* filling in those questions was definitely a bad idea wasnt it!

15. Sense of Humour (i.e you have one...)

well I hope so... try my best anyway...

16. Student (i.e. presumably any meal is a good meal, so when dating the guy doesn't have to take out a personal loan to keep one in the style which she is accustomed to... )

well, not that I would complain to being taken up a couple of notches!

*awaits the next batch...* smiley - smiley

100 Ways to tell you I love thee...

Post 106

Matthew Kershaw

17. Glasses ( Obvious impaired sight gives that '3 shandy' halo effect to one's senses in judging the relative handsomeness of any potential suitor...)

18. Consent (Need I say more...smiley - tongueout )

19. 19 (Yes, what a delightful, delightful age...smiley - tongueout)

20. Smoker (Hopefully saves smoking for 'other' activities...smiley - winkeye )

21. Location (Soon to be in the same geographic location, hopefully down to within the nearest few centimeters... smiley - bigeyes )

22. Friends In Common (Lots of H2G2 friends to cheer us on... smiley - smiley )

23. MIA Lover (Makes one look good in comparison... smiley - winkeye *also see number 24* )

24 On The Rebound (Always a passionate affair...smiley - tongueout)

25. Relief (That M.K has got a quarter of the way through the list, and he managed to put 'love' in the same sentence as 'you'... right here, right now... smiley - smiley )


100 Ways to tell you I love thee...

Post 107

Fashion Cat

17. Glasses ( Obvious impaired sight gives that '3 shandy' halo effect to one's senses in judging the relative handsomeness of any potential suitor...)

hmm... fortunately never had to worry about that one.

18. Consent (Need I say more... )


19. 19 (Yes, what a delightful, delightful age... )

although soon to be 20... geez I'm getting old!

20. Smoker (Hopefully saves smoking for 'other' activities... )

? who said i smoked? thankfully i havent picked up that nasty habit...

21. Location (Soon to be in the same geographic location, hopefully down to within the nearest few centimeters... )

well. on the map at any rate!

22. Friends In Common (Lots of H2G2 friends to cheer us on... )

always got h2g2 to keep me pointing the right way...

23. MIA Lover (Makes one look good in comparison... *also see number 24* )

24 On The Rebound (Always a passionate affair... )

well, sort of. give me till next week to see whats happening on that score!

25. Relief (That M.K has got a quarter of the way through the list, and he managed to put 'love' in the same sentence as 'you'... right here, right now... )

I'm amazed you got this far! You havent left any numbers out have you? smiley - tongueout

100 Ways to tell you I love thee...

Post 108

Matthew Kershaw

* M.K wonders whether to complete the list, which to this point, hasn't lead to any firm statements of mutual adoration... smiley - tongueout *


100 Ways to tell you I love thee...

Post 109

Fashion Cat

*looks at the ring on her finger absently...*

I really love the way the diamond catches the light you know...

*sighs deeply*

100 Ways to tell you I love thee...

Post 110

Matthew Kershaw

* M.K sighs even deeper... and lets out a little tear...smiley - sadface *


100 Ways to tell you I love thee...

Post 111

Fashion Cat

*dries his tears*

oh my love, why do you cry so? My affections for you must be kept within, at least until the two of us have become one... i long for that day just as much as you, because my feelings grow deeper as every second passes...

*holds him close to her...*

100 Ways to tell you I love thee...

Post 112

Matthew Kershaw

* He dries the tears to add... *

26. Empathy (See Above)

27. DNA (Of the Douglas Adams kind, not the kissing cousins kind...smiley - winkeye)

28. Humanity (Or otherwise I might have to have the 'right of veto' as to which tentacle I allow you to touch me with...smiley - bigeyes)


100 Ways to tell you I love thee...

Post 113

Fashion Cat

26. Empathy (See Above)

smiley - smiley well I try my best...

27. DNA (Of the Douglas Adams kind, not the kissing cousins kind... )

*gets out her lecture notes of Bucky's DNA lectures...* now this wonderful molecule has many interesting features... oh, you dont mean that DNA? *ducks before h2g2 lynches her!*

28. Humanity (Or otherwise I might have to have the 'right of veto' as to which tentacle I allow you to touch me with... )

*looks sad* you mean the one from the middle of my forehead is out the question? smiley - bigeyes

100 Ways to tell you I love thee...

Post 114

Demon Drawer

Anyone got a sharperner these are good.

*returns to notepad*

100 Ways to tell you I love thee...

Post 115

Fashion Cat

*hits DD with her crutches* smiley - tongueout

100 Ways to tell you I love thee...

Post 116

Demon Drawer

Ok that broke my pencil.

100 Ways to tell you I love thee...

Post 117

Fashion Cat

hehehe... aw... sorry hon. smiley - smiley

100 Ways to tell you I love thee...

Post 118

Matthew Kershaw

Ehem !!! smiley - tongueout

29. Straight (Or there would really be no point in continuing...smiley - smiley )

* Gives DD a consolation hug... smiley - smiley *

30. Pragmatic (Having good reason to raise important issues in private... smiley - smiley )

31. Gulible (Or otherwise these corny lines wouldn't be working... smiley - tongueout )

32. Benevolent (Well you are an Archangel so hopefully standards haven't dramatically fallen off since I last attended religious studies...smiley - bigeyes )


100 Ways to tell you I love thee...

Post 119

Fashion Cat

29. Straight (Or there would really be no point in continuing... )

same for you I hope... although that back room of the chapel may hav something to answer for!

* Gives DD a consolation hug... *

grr... once again he mangages to get to the man before I do! smiley - winkeye

30. Pragmatic (Having good reason to raise important issues in private... )

*blush* well I wouldnt like to comment here... smiley - smiley

31. Gulible (Or otherwise these corny lines wouldn't be working... )

I prefer the word romantic actually! smiley - tongueout

32. Benevolent (Well you are an Archangel so hopefully standards haven't dramatically fallen off since I last attended religious studies...)

oh. you havent heard of the new courses He is trying to teach us then... smiley - winkeye

100 Ways to tell you I love thee...

Post 120

Demon Drawer

*hugs FC*

Just so you don't feel left out. smiley - winkeye

Now come on he called you Gullible, ditch him smiley - winkeye

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