This is the Message Centre for Shhhhh

Greetings Shhhhhh

Post 1


Hmmm... me hopes me got your name right... ~grin~

Hi there... ans welcome to h2g2... my name is Greebo... or Greebz to my friends... and me is an Assistant Community Editor.. or ACE... and we ACE's like to come around to as many Newcommers as we can manage and check that everything is ok... if you do need any help... or have any question... don't hesitate to ask...

If you are wondering what to do now... or maybe thinking where should you go... then try the NEWCOMMERS HOMEPAGE...

There's loads of links and such there... or if you would like to visit me... just click on my name above this message and say hello... me would really like that... ~grin~

Take care... and rememeber DON'T PANIC!!!

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Greetings Shhhhhh

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