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Sho's journal

Post 1

Sho - employed again!

actually, it wasn't started to "flame" you - since you probably know that to flame you I'd have to include you.

The actual purpose, was as you know if you read the first few posts, was to let off steam about "some posters" - there are a few that make me smiley - steam

However it did turn into a bit of an anti-antigravitas fest which isn't exactly ideal.

It's in a journal so that it's not obviously public - but enough people found it and commented that you've obviously made an impression on others.

I'm just wondering why after 3 years of not even noticing you, you appear in every thread going.

And that's not a problem - the more posters on h2g2 the merrier as far as I'm concerned. I think people just have a problem with the way you try to speak down to everyone.

Anyway... I'm sure you'll enjoy h2g2 whatever anyone says.
smiley - tea

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