This is the Message Centre for Sho - employed again!

Sho - Guess who's back

Post 1


Just popped in to say Hi

vegimansmiley - smiley

Sho - Guess who's back

Post 2

Sho - employed again!

wow!!! Great to see you. What have you been up to? (and, what brought you back?)

smiley - kiss

Sho - Guess who's back

Post 3


Great to hear from you too.

I have been mooching around some old friends and you are the second one to answer.

I got the standard email from thr towers when Dont Panicking Ltd took over the site

So here I am

I thought I might stir things up a bit, like the old days now after a smiley - love attack and semi-retirement.

From what I see, HooToo seem to be struggling a bit. So I am starting up a researchers help group.

If interested get back to me.

If not perhaps you could outline what's good about this place and should not be touched plus what you think is the way forward to get the site back to how it used to be.

This is totally unofficial, It;s me, sticking my nose in like the old days.

I will then collate Researchers views and get the New Towers to notice what members of the site would like see and bring h2g2 into the 21st century.

My keyboard is playing up so if you see missing letters in this post, I am sorry.

So Pretty please - let me know your views.

I have not as yet created a home page for this yet but will do once we get a few members together smiley - smiley

all the best
and thankyou thankyou thankyou for answering
vegimansmiley - smiley

Sho - Guess who's back

Post 4

Sho - employed again!

oh what a great idea, I'll think about it so that you don't just get a load of waffle (do you have a thread on your PS for this?) I forgot about the emails going out.

Unfortunately I don't spend as much productive time here as I should, I'm trying to comment in PR more than just hang around and chat but just lately I don't seem to have time. And now I'm starting the next module of my OU course I'll be shorter of time (but more organised though, paradoxically)

Attack doesn't sound much fun, although semi-retirement does.

smiley - teasmiley - kiss

Sho - Guess who's back

Post 5


Thank you Sho smiley - cuddle

It is just a gem of an idea at the mo, The basics are in place in my mind, that is why need Researchers like yourself to help guide it through.

You are quite right to think about it because it would be so easy, as you say, to waffle a pathway that leads nowhere.

Any time you have available would be good, no pressure. I will open a thread latter today.

As soon as I do I will get back to you.

smiley - rose

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