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Post 2


whoops! stinking browser! sorry. anyhoo, it's me, bahb the Wonderful water-Closet Wailer. you wanted some advice about fairies?


Post 3

** twilight **

Well, for my page I'm going to do a theme on the myths of Twillight (the time of day, not me). I'm still busy trying to write the introduction story but it's about the myth that twillight, being a time of day between night and day, is a time where the boundry between this world others is at its fragilest. Therefor it's the best time of day to see or hear or feel ghosts, fairies and other strange and magic things. So it would be a place where to swap ghost stories, fairy tales etc. Having a few such creatures resident would make it better wouldn't it? I'll let you know when my story is finished if you're interested.

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