This is the Message Centre for Uncle Heavy [sic]
Hi there, Uncle H.
Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista) Started conversation Nov 6, 2000
Hiya! I thought I'd better answer your question (in the Dining room... about pictures on your page... remember?) here, rather than interrupt the "flow" of the game...
The trick is that you need to have a picture, and somewhere to store that picture. I'll assume for the moment that you already have a picture in mind, and that it's on your computer.
If you already have some webspace, say for example the 10-20MB that's usually supplied with an internet account, then just follow your service provider's instructions to copy the image to your space. On editing your H2G2 page, set the type to "HTML" and add a tag to the effect of '', where MyISP is the address of your webspace provider and MySpace is the unique directory where you uploaded your image.
If that seems unnecessarily complicated, and the image is a photograph in JPEG format, go to the front page of http://WWW.H2G2.COM and look for the "Fotango" link. (near the bottom, in the "partners" section) Sign up with them, and follow the instructions provided - they will allow you to upload images to their site at no charge, and will provide the code required to show the images on your own pages...
Hope that helps!
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Hi there, Uncle H.
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