This is the Message Centre for Uncle Heavy [sic]

An offical warning from the League Chair

Post 1

Mu Beta

Jamie Carragher has now missed 10 consecutive games. Yes, I'm quite aware that he has a broken leg, but I must in the interests of fair play ask you to sell him on.

In a gesture of goodwill, the League will offer you 1.8m for him, which is more than you paid in the first place.


An offical warning from the League Chair

Post 2

Uncle Heavy [sic]

right. yes. sell carragher. right away please smiley - smiley

thanks for the cash, by the way.

i would like to reinvest it in jason dodd please smiley - smiley

An offical warning from the League Chair

Post 3

Mu Beta

Well, you'll have to talk to Number Six about that, given as how he owns Jason Dodd. smiley - tongueout


An offical warning from the League Chair

Post 4

Uncle Heavy [sic]

ah well, you might have indicated that on the lists of available defenders smiley - winkeye

An offical warning from the League Chair

Post 5

Mu Beta

Yes, I've done that now. Oops. Sorry. smiley - smiley


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