This is the Message Centre for Uncle Heavy [sic]

Re: PR entry on Nu-Metal

Post 1

Mu Beta

PR-ing stuff after a few drinks really isn't a good idea, is it?

smiley - drunk


Re: PR entry on Nu-Metal

Post 2

Uncle Heavy [sic]

im sober as a judge as a matter of fact. a teetotla jhudge on the waggon for twenty long years, whose daughter died by choking on her won vomit, and who has an allergivce reaction to booze and a weak liver. and who cant stand thge smell of meths.

all my friends seem to be not here, for some reason...

Re: PR entry on Nu-Metal

Post 3

Mu Beta

It makes you ownder how we veer became Sub-ed's, doe'snt it??


Re: PR entry on Nu-Metal

Post 4

Uncle Heavy [sic]

smiley - laugh i became a sub ed becuase i like the feeling of power, not ebcuase of my swift typing abilities smiley - winkeye

Re: PR entry on Nu-Metal

Post 5

Mu Beta

OK...I actually find it very hard to deny that.

Note my (almost) perfect use of grammar/punctuation etc. while drunk, which was actually swayed Anna in the first place. smiley - biggrin


Re: PR entry on Nu-Metal

Post 6

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i have a perfect grasp of the language. just not in casual typing smiley - winkeye

im often sickened by the quality of entries that come my way...does peer review serve any real purpose? smiley - tongueout

Re: PR entry on Nu-Metal

Post 7

Mu Beta

I think it's just to give Whisky something to do.smiley - ok

In all seriousness, I enjoy liasing with authors, especially of the rookie variety (which is obviously where most of the Sub-edding tends to be done), which is why I volunteered. It's when people come along making awkward requests like your festival guide that I get pi**sed off.



Re: PR entry on Nu-Metal

Post 8

Uncle Heavy [sic]

awkward? it wasnt awkward! it was helpful. and mine was, to be fair, written first AND written better. in my humble opion, natch smiley - winkeye

Re: PR entry on Nu-Metal

Post 9

Mu Beta

Yes, I will quite happily agree with that - it's just that your's wasn't the one that the Towers asked me to Sub-edit.

Tomorrow - when I'm a bit more sober, I'll edit the two together and give you a writing credit, OK?


Re: PR entry on Nu-Metal

Post 10

Uncle Heavy [sic]

sweet. that would be lovely. ill be happy, and so will the other guy.

Re: PR entry on Nu-Metal

Post 11

Mu Beta

Surely she was female?

I have a knack for this sort of thing. I'll be very surprised if you're right.smiley - nahnah


Re: PR entry on Nu-Metal

Post 12

Uncle Heavy [sic]

nyartholep says ON HIS PAGE that he is a 'twenty something guy'

smiley - nahnah

Re: PR entry on Nu-Metal

Post 13

Mu Beta


Great big poofter.

(I'd appreciate him not seeing this post.)smiley - ok


Re: PR entry on Nu-Metal

Post 14

Uncle Heavy [sic]

yours is a *special* talent smiley - winkeye

what makes you call him a poofter?

Re: PR entry on Nu-Metal

Post 15

Mu Beta

About 2 1/2 bottle of red wine


Re: PR entry on Nu-Metal

Post 16

Uncle Heavy [sic]

oops indeed. how much not to tell him smiley - winkeye

Re: PR entry on Nu-Metal

Post 17

Mu Beta

I've co-credited you on A830440. Enough?

Actually, if you want to run an eye over it before it goes back to the Editors...


Re: PR entry on Nu-Metal

Post 18

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i did. it looks fine. i cant spot any of mine in there. this doesnt btoher me, but if he reads it and finds the cocredit, he may get a little narked smiley - smiley

Re: PR entry on Nu-Metal

Post 19

Mu Beta

Some of your stuff is there; it's just very well hidden smiley - smiley


Re: PR entry on Nu-Metal

Post 20

Uncle Heavy [sic]

aaah, i see. not good enough for you am i? smiley - tongueout

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