This is the Message Centre for Uncle Heavy [sic]

Quoting Transformers The Movie?!

Post 1


"Bah weep granah weep ninny bong"

You nerd. smiley - winkeyesmiley - tongueout

Quoting Transformers The Movie?!

Post 2

Uncle Heavy [sic]

well i actually got it off a mr T vs Megatron site...i havent seen the transformers movie in years and had forgotten where t came from. thus, think *you* are the geek in this equation smiley - tongueout

Quoting Transformers The Movie?!

Post 3


Bah! Rumbled.

Still, one of us has it in their name and the other doesn't.

One-all in the Nerd Stakes, I think. smiley - tongueout

Quoting Transformers The Movie?!

Post 4

Uncle Heavy [sic]

ah! but no! mine is witty and ironic. and also a bit post modern. plus it has a bit of mr t in it. so actually it counts as a negative goal to me. smiley - nahnah

Quoting Transformers The Movie?!

Post 5


"it counts as a negative goal to me"

smiley - erm

Does that mean I'm in the lead? Do I want to be in the lead? Are we talking nerdiness or non-nerdiness? Does Mr T count as 'Post-Modern' or is he actually a bit poo? Is the whole concept of 'Post-Modern' a bit poo itself? And precisely why do I care?

smiley - boingsmiley - online2longsmiley - headhurts

smiley - winkeye

Quoting Transformers The Movie?!

Post 6

Uncle Heavy [sic]

your winning in the nerd stakes. you are clearly far nerdier than i. you go to conventions and are possibly named after a star trek character (if you arent and thats the booze playing wiht my memory i apologise profusely) smiley - winkeye

Quoting Transformers The Movie?!

Post 7


"you go to conventions"

Guilty. But I was there for the booze and the craic, not going for Boba Fett's autograph.

"possibly named after a star trek character"

Indeed I am not! It's a Bladerunner reference, if you must know.


I'll get me coat. smiley - winkeye

Quoting Transformers The Movie?!

Post 8

Uncle Heavy [sic]

you can go to pubs for go to conventions to dress up and wave plastic lightsabres at men in beards...

Quoting Transformers The Movie?!

Post 9


I go to conventions to get drunk and then point and laugh at the bearded lightsaber-wielders. That, and try to stay upwind of them.

Quoting Transformers The Movie?!

Post 10

Uncle Heavy [sic]

well you can laugh at them from a distance. i have a different theory. you go to conventions cos you like seeing GURLS dressed up in leather BIKINIS. or whatever they do at those sordid little gatherings

Quoting Transformers The Movie?!

Post 11


Get thoroughly ratted in hotel bars and take the mickey out of each other, most of the time.

If there were actually GURLS in LEATHER BIKINIS wandering around, I'd be there waving me lightsabre and using the Force before you could say "These aren't the droids you're looking for"! smiley - winkeye

Quoting Transformers The Movie?!

Post 12

Uncle Heavy [sic]

theres always one or two, im told. but theyre usually retained by the organisers as a kind of draw, right? like at computer games conventions...

Quoting Transformers The Movie?!

Post 13


Depends on what sort of convention you're going to... A smaller, more 'indie' comics convention tends to have fewer gimmicks like scantily-clad chicks, but when the big companies decide to draw in the fanboys and get them to part with loads of money, then it's leather bustiers everywhere.

What's more disturbing is when you get 25 stone big hairy blokes dressing up as Xena or something... smiley - bigeyessmiley - yuk

Quoting Transformers The Movie?!

Post 14

Uncle Heavy [sic]

smiley - laugh never! surely theyd come as chewbacca or something.

comic conventions are ok, actually. but i try nto to buy them cos i ahve other things to buy...

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