This is the Message Centre for Uncle Heavy [sic]

Totally bewildered

Post 1

Also ran 1

Dear stranger,smiley - flustered
I am trying to find the person who wrote that quite wonderful little piece on the 18th hole of Luchersmiley - fullmoon golf course. I cannot remember how to write the super????? name you used. I then went to your home page - then another home page- then another.....Are you real? Do you exist? Or are you a smiley - ghost floating in Winchester College.
If you are, you are a fantastic writer and I loved that piece. You made me feel sorry for everyone - the smiley - ghost the lst and 2nd gopher and most of all me, as I cannot find you.smiley - sadface AR1 smiley - schooloffish

Totally bewildered

Post 2

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i think you have the wrong man

Totally bewildered

Post 3

Also ran 1

Oops - so sorry. Enjoy yourself.Ar1 smiley - schooloffish

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