This is the Message Centre for Uncle Heavy [sic]

Another Random Note

Post 1

Pete *not quite dead yet*

You like Star Wars.
Therefore you are cool.
Be secure in that knowledge.
*Turns away in a yoda-like fashion, trips, falls, and begins to giggle*
... Think it's time for me to sleep..
smiley - magic

Another Random Note

Post 2

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i knew all that already smiley - tongueout however, to my shame i like andromeda and star gate too. well theres nothing else to do on a sunday...

Another Random Note

Post 3

Pete *not quite dead yet*

darn international time zones! smiley - puff
you're already on sunday?
it's saturday morning for me!
which means work.. ewllll..
of course i do work at a computer...
*happy happy happy*
smiley - magic

Another Random Note

Post 4

Uncle Heavy [sic]

no. im on saturday. im 7 or 8 hours ahead of you i think...but the geek tv shows are on sunday, see?

can you believe i went to school for one lesson. i was there from 8 30 til 930 (plus 1.5 hours of pub with boarding mates) for 40 minutes of a german lesson?

Another Random Note

Post 5

Pete *not quite dead yet*

*giggle* gotta love the time wasters school comes up with..
i always end up hanging about the green room, sleeping or doing nothing, simply because i'm too lazy to get on the train and head home.. smiley - winkeye
smiley - sadface i never get to see the geek tv shows, due to the fact i'm always at work when they are on.. (people think that us smiley - geeks don't get up until the afternoon.. they may be right, dangit, but yah.. that means i don't get to watch my shows.. such as x-files. *grin*)
gotta love learning foreign lanugages. i took 4 years of Spanish, and now i can barely speak a word of it after not using it for a year.. *snicker*
smiley - magic

Another Random Note

Post 6

Uncle Heavy [sic]

too lazy too go home is pretty lazy. you have a bed there!

we get all our geek shows in the evenings or in the afternoons on sunday. my sundays are just one long stream of crap scifi. heaven!

in my time i have taken 6 languages (latin, english, french, german, russian, japanese) of those, im nearly fluent in french and can get by (ie purchase beer) in german. the others i know rude words in only smiley - tongueout

Another Random Note

Post 7

Pete *not quite dead yet*

*grin* the only bad words i know in japanese i picked up from anime.. used to be very very into anime, now i am just a lil fangirl.
smiley - fairy
i've another thing to be jealous of you for.. while i get to watch the fat man try to work the copier on sunday nights, you get to watch the fat man in the rubber suit act like an alien..
smiley - winkeye
i am incredibly lazy.. i have reached new heights of laziness never before attempted.. well not really, there are those people that never leave their beds and need to be lifted out by crane, that is not me.. but i am pretty darn lazy.. *grin* and yet somehow i weigh less than 500 pounds. smiley - tongueout
pics are a bit old, but if you're not too sloshed to be polite and check them out, there they are. smiley - silly
smiley - magic

Another Random Note

Post 8

Uncle Heavy [sic]

well i can remember the words for 'hello', 'apple' and 'telephone' in japanese. this is after a years work...

your not sposed to know about my watching fat men in rubber on saturday nights...that comes later...

i cant stay in bed. after 8 hours sleep i actually get more tired if i sleep more, so i give up...

im not *that* sloshed. i can work links perfectly. well, nearly...the one of me is...nearly a year old. there are others online too...i cant remember weher...well, i can...but...who really cares. if you want to see me drunk on film its your choice

Another Random Note

Post 9

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - winkeyewell someday you can tell me all about your obsessions with fat men in rubber.. when you think we know each other better.
You talked about the types of crisps (chips) that are addicting, but i contend that Mountain Dew is the most addicting thing in the world.. (along with Nerds and Flintstones Rainbow Sherbet Push-up Pops- but that's besides the point) The evil powers that be sell Mountain Dew inside the store for $1/bottle.. unfairness. smiley - biggrin Not that I can complain too much... caffeine = good, when you can't get other things.

*If* I want to see you drunk on film? *If*? Wherewherewherewhere??? (Oookay the sugar from the soda is kicking in.. *snicker*)

I can say the s**t word in japanese.. and thank you, and uh.. hello on the telephone.. that is about it. *grin*

I think I shall go get some Flintstones Push-up Pops (tm) to satisfy my cravings..

smiley - magic

Another Random Note

Post 10

Pete *not quite dead yet*

Well, I got ice cream.. it wasn't the ice cream I wanted but whatever, chocolate satisfies my life.
smiley - biggrin
It's suddenly got quiet in this place..

HA! The world conspires against me..
off to check my messages.
smiley - magic

Another Random Note

Post 11

Uncle Heavy [sic]

we dont have mountain dew here. im a coke man myself. it drives me up the wall...

there are various photos of me knocking about...i cant remember the urls off hand. basically theyre me in varying states of unbalance

Another Random Note

Post 12

Pete *not quite dead yet*

sounds like fun..
i rarely let people get photographic proof of my drunkenness, but there are these pictures on my work computer from this work party where i got into the vodka and cranberry juice (i'm young yet, i don't know the fancy name for that), and whinged about with a feather boa.. it's rather funny.
smiley - winkeye

Another Random Note

Post 13

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i didnt choose to be photograph...but, well, all these people at meets insist on it. usually i can stand up long enough to be included

Another Random Note

Post 14

Pete *not quite dead yet*

Someday I shall get those party pictures up on a site for me..
Especially since they show me with my short hair..
Though its sorta red now..
But drunken pictures are the best, at least you have an excuse for looking blinking silly..
smiley - biggrin

Another Random Note

Post 15

Uncle Heavy [sic]

ive promised myself not to drink at the next meet to preserve my dignity

Another Random Note

Post 16

Pete *not quite dead yet*

but darling..
isn't your dignity already gone?
smiley - biggrin
C'mon, my friend in corruption..
Drinking is just too much fun to pass..
Especially with friends.

smiley - winkeye know this is all in fun right?...
(Allow my girly insecurity)


Another Random Note

Post 17

Uncle Heavy [sic]

my dignity and good reputation are all but shot to pieces...well what do you expect when you hold these meets in pubs for 8 hours...

i jsut want to prove to people that im fun sober too smiley - winkeye

and i do know your joking. wouldnt expect anything else

Another Random Note

Post 18

Pete *not quite dead yet*

c'mon, UH, you're fun all the time! ..not to feed your ego or nothin'.. smiley - winkeye
Wouldn't want to threaten the world existence..
Hope you're having a good day, I did..
smiley - ale, friends, and swimming.. what more can you ask?
smiley - biggrin

Another Random Note

Post 19

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i know im fun every waking minute, but its just ost of these people have seen a little blur of manic drunken energy...i just want to rpove that im nto an alcoholic above all smiley - tongueout

my day has been lie-in, shirking lessons and watching the world cup. hevaen, just about...

Another Random Note

Post 20

Pete *not quite dead yet*

You soccer weirdoes.. smiley - winkeye
Relax days are wonderful, ne?
I've gotten up early the past two days.. it's a little scary..
and i'll be up early tomorrow too..

But I'm glad you had a peachy day!

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