This is the Message Centre for Uncle Heavy [sic]
Oxford station by night?
$u$ Started conversation Aug 12, 2001
Or did you manage to catch your train home? Nice to have met you this time anyway.
You know... I think the main purpose behind those 'friends' lists is for the researcher concerned to able to click on the convenient link to get to their friends' pages... doesn't quite work without the links though...
Just a thought.
Oxford station by night?
Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Aug 12, 2001
i was bored one day. but not bored enough to find their U#s. what do you take me for? . really i should update it cos i found more of them. they keep crawling from the woodwork
I did get the train home. all in all i spent about 5 hours on trains that day. but it was worth it, if only to meet you . oh, and get trounced in laser quest by 1o year olds. yeah!
Oxford station by night?
$u$ Posted Aug 12, 2001
What do you expect if you sit in the corner and jibber? Oh... and shoot your team members in the back (particularly when they're defending you from said children!).
I'm glad you managed to find the station anyway. You certainly have a way with
Oxford station by night?
Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Aug 13, 2001
is that once i have im away? or i am spectacularly intolerant to it, which is my way?
i shot you cos you were just about the only person my gun would hit. nothing personal, you understand...
Oxford station by night?
$u$ Posted Aug 13, 2001
No... nothing personal of course. *makes memo in retribution book*
I think the way you have with is of consuming twice as much as anyone else in any given time span, from what I saw.
Did you have an appropriate on Sunday? My head was already killing me by the time we got to the ice cream place, so it was obviously more to do with lasers than
this time.
Oxford station by night?
Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Aug 15, 2001
OK, yes, at that time i was consuming beer rather quickly. normally, i drink it slower, but theres something about bottles which makes me want to drain them as quickly as possible.
i had a small hangover cos i used my patent hangover cure, which is simply to drink your body weight in water. it works, but it does mean you slosh when you walk
Oxford station by night?
$u$ Posted Aug 15, 2001
...and then retain all the bottles, rather like a broody hen.
Now if you'd have said you were drinking more quickly to make up for having to catch an early train, I might have believed you... almost.
Luckily, the 3 bottles I had did not provoke a although I still came home feeling rather
I think I picked up a cold in the hostel.
Not satisfied with a mini meet in Edinburgh next week, plans are now well under way for a trip to Alton Towers.
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Oxford station by night?
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