This is the Message Centre for Uncle Heavy [sic]

No Subject

Post 1

JK the unwise

>. No one will know of its
>existence, because no one
>looks at my page. Prove me wrong!

I write there for your wroung!
smiley - fairy

No Subject

Post 2

Uncle Heavy [sic]

You know, that has made me a whole lot happier. I'm afraid to say that i saw your page and didnt understand what you were on about...


Post 3

JK the unwise

Im a crap guru
go here
[URL removed by moderator]
Hail Eris
All Hail Dis cordia
smiley - fairy

Sent sure ship

Post 4

JK the unwise

The BBC are a bit controll
freek ish
'do as you will should be the whole of the law'
smiley - smiley

Sent sure ship

Post 5

Uncle Heavy [sic]

well quite.

interesting page. slightly bonkers. good Mr T gag. sorry to belittle you.

Sent sure ship

Post 6

JK the unwise

I dont know what Im on about
thats why Im unwise

Sent sure ship

Post 7

Uncle Heavy [sic]

no, i dont know what your on about either. but it looks fun, and if its endorsed by Mr T, who is to argue?

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