This is the Message Centre for The Chief

Bomb Threat

Post 1

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

I wIlL deTOnAtE onE boMB a DAy uNtiL i HAve BoMBeD eAch aND EVeRy fOrUM tHat iRvIng WAsHinGtON hAs eVEr pOsted tO, oR YOU pAy mE a RAnSom OF onE hUnDREd DOnuts. LeAVE dOUghNuTS aT The OLD H2g2 PaRAde PAge bY 00:00 bSt oN JuNE 22Nd, OR ELSE.


Bomb Threat

Post 2

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

EeR. . . OopS, soME pEOplE comPLaiNED tHat mY mAD bOMbinGS werE In bAd Taste duE tO soMe rEcEnt BomBINgs in lONDOn. i MAy Be EvIL BuT i AlWAYS tRY tO Be iN GOoD TAsTE. so i'vE swITCHED to VANdalISM of chrOME 1o1's FORums inSTEAD of BOMBing IRVing'S. THE SAME condITIONs APPly.


Bomb Threat

Post 3


Aw, what!

Bomb Threat

Post 4

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

You're the one who wanted a nemisis! Do you need directions to the drop off point for the donuts? Or maybe a link for Joanna's Donut Stall? Oh, and make sure they're unmarked donuts!

Bomb Threat

Post 5

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

I HaVE aRRaNGeD FoR a DoGNuT DRoP aT PLeaSe Be PRoMT oR i WiLL VaNDaLiZe MoRe oF YouR FoRuMS. ~MaD VaNDaL

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