Journal Entries

Hong Kongers, please help!

While editing my last Hong Kong video, I found a wonderful smile on the tapes. If anybody knows this girl, please E-mail me!

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Is it possible to find one person out of six billion just by asking?
I admit, it is highly improbable, but what do we know about improbability?

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Latest reply: Jan 21, 2001

Back from HK

I just returned from Hong Kong and I still believe that it´s one of the most exciting cities in the world! See my updated entry about food and dining in HK!

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Latest reply: Jun 4, 2000

Chinese Medicine

I undergo Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment for a couple of weeks, trying to cure my sleep disorders and various other troubles I will definitely not specify.

I get acupuncture and herb extracts, and although the TCM doesn´t talk about pharmacology and specific substances at all but just cares about how strong somebodies Yin, Yang and Chi is, it seem to work. I sleep like a stone for at least six hours per night and get along pretty good with the other stuff.

Try it if your doctor sends you home as a hysteric malingerer because he/she can´t help you! It´s great.

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Latest reply: May 21, 2000

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