This is the Message Centre for Lusk

Hello Lusk...

Post 1


..and welcome to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy : Sol III Edition smiley - smiley I look forward to reading your Guide Entry (if you do one) on the anonymous village of Lusk smiley - smiley Erhummm, to business - I am Crescent, an Assistant Community Editor (or ACE) here to make sure that your introduction to the community is going well smiley - smiley If you have any questions about the site, I am the first port of call (along with the other ACE's who can be found here - - smiley If you click 'reply' below and ask away smiley - smiley When I see the question I will do what I can to answer it smiley - smiley Well that is enough of my ramblings, until later.....
BCNU - Crescent

Hello Lusk...

Post 2


Hello Crescent. I'm not sure if I could do a Guide Entry on Lusk as I left the place years ago. I haven't been back in over ten years and would have been too small when I was there to have picked up any useful information for a Guide Entry. A pity really. I did manage to think of one other thing though and have written an entry already.

I have been looking at a few of the forums, but everyone seems to be in established conversations. I don't really feel comfortable butting in, maybe when I've been here longer.

Hello Lusk...

Post 3

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Try going to and just saying hello. It's the newcomers welcome forum, so you're kind of meant to butt in. Share and enjoy!

Hello Lusk...

Post 4


Thanks St Justin, I'll go and do that. People seem to be friendly enough here, I don't think it will take too long to settle in.


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