This is the Message Centre for Pinky D. Parrot

Hi Maidie!

Post 1


Hello pinky parrot,it's little Trixiepix, the fairy at the bottom of your garden. I hope you got a taxi ok, and are at home sleeping now (or soon). I had a lot of fun tonight, and thank you for logging me on the h2g2, I love it! Greebo sent me a message and responded to me in the forum "croquet in the park". Go and check it out, it's cool. Anyway, hope to see you soon, and don't be so shy online! Send Greebo a message or something, she is lots of fun.
Luv Luciana (Trixiepix) xxx


Post 2

Pinky D. Parrot

Hi Trixiepx,

Thanks for your messge - I had a lot of fun too! Did you mean you were still up after I left????? I always thought that even the fairy at the bottom the garden needed some sleep! Or do fairies sleep during the day and only play at night?

I think we should definitely have a game of croquet soon. As for being shy on-line... moi??? shy??? must be your magic fairy dust you sprinkled the other night.or else I have become incredibley brave....

Till our next croquet game...

Love Pinky Parrot xoxxox


Post 3


hey pink parrot,
yep, i was still up heheh, couldn't sleep! glad you got home ok, and got a taxi. saw you talking to greebo too, that was cool huh! not shy anymore than, that really good. she's nice isn't she? i invited her to have some fairy potion, and she said yes, so you can come too, ok? hope work is going ok, school is fine, a bit boring but never mind. anyway, i hope to see you soon
Lots of love
Trixiepix xoxoxoxoxo smiley - smiley

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