This is the Message Centre for Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!)
My Life Outside h2g2
Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!) Started conversation May 18, 2000
I'm leaving college and taking A-levels but I need a place to discuss life (yes and the universe and everything!!) so what better place than h2g2!!
Feel free to discuss everything and anything I like big discussions and arguments!!
Dont you think that life is just so unimportant in the whole scheme of things? you're born, you live, you die. You are so small and insignificant and last for such a small amount of time in the universe's history that it blinks and misses you!!
My Life Outside h2g2
Cakewalker Posted May 29, 2000
This is true to an extent, but bear in mind the guy with control over The Button. One press and he could obliterate the world. Never mind talk of butterflies' wings and hurricanes, he's a 20,000 mile wide sledgehammer.
My Life Outside h2g2
Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!) Posted May 31, 2000
But he couldnt obliterate the universe could he?
My Life Outside h2g2
Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!) Posted Jun 2, 2000
"Energy cannot be created or destroyed, merely changed from one form to another"
{Physics Text book!!}
So there'd still be energy of some sort wouldnt there!!
(Anyway dont be sexist, he could be a she you know!! call the person s/he its the only way to be politically correct!!)
My Life Outside h2g2
Cakewalker Posted Jun 2, 2000
I understand that, though I'd rather be The Cakewalker existing as a human (or at least, the close approximation that I am) in my universe which is part of the universe, than some energy floating around just in the universe (nb., note that I am a bit shaky on Physics - only managed an E at A Level).
Apologies if I offended you by assuming the button person was male. I tend to ignore present politically correct terms as if I didn't I'd end up writing far more... By He I do tend to mean either. To be honest, the best way to avoid such issues would be to rename all terms associated with men, and all present terms used to mean either, as they're more efficient. And I'm not anti-femanist, though I do puzzle as to why women want to be like men. Equality, yes - that should never have been in doubt and I find it sickening that women have been treated so badly in the past.
My Life Outside h2g2
Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!) Posted Jun 5, 2000
Hey!! I got an E at A-level too!! all the best people must get E's in Physics!!
I wasnt implying that you were sexist and Im not a feminist it just seemed to be an automatic response from someone who had to discus feminism, among other aspects of life, in A-level english! My best grade by fart, a C!!!
I agree Im quite happy to be a helpless female when its to my advantage!!
Id rather exist as a complete body in one place than spead around (and dont take THAT in the wrong way!!)
My Life Outside h2g2
Cakewalker Posted Jun 7, 2000
*looks innocent* Any alternative interpretations never entered my mind
What I mean by 'depends what you mean by universe' is that, while the button person couldn't destroy The Universe, he/she could destroy our universe, ie., what we perceive. I think that made sense!
As for feminism, I personally feel that trying to ignore differences that are there between the sexes is daft. True progress can only be made by working with those differences.
My Life Outside h2g2
Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!) Posted Jun 8, 2000
I believe you, thousands wouldnt!!
I can destroy the universe for one person yet leave it existing for others, If you have none of the five senses the universe does not exist. Everything we know and do depends on our senses, even the one that will probably never leave, that of touch, If you do not have the sense of touch then nothing exists as you cannot percieve solidity which is the basic substance of the universe!!
I believe in equality of everyone but not assimilation and trying to create everyone as the same, if that was so then the world would be a boring place!!
My Life Outside h2g2
Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!) Posted Jun 8, 2000
I believe you, thousands wouldnt!!
I can destroy the universe for one person yet leave it existing for others, If you have none of the five senses the universe does not exist. Everything we know and do depends on our senses, even the one that will probably never leave, that of touch, If you do not have the sense of touch then nothing exists as you cannot percieve solidity which is the basic substance of the universe!!
I believe in equality of everyone but not assimilation and trying to create everyone as the same, if that was so then the world would be a boring place!!
My Life Outside h2g2
Cakewalker Posted Jun 8, 2000
The world would indeed be extremely dull if we were all the same. Variety is the spice of life. Though I wouldn't blame people with disabilities for thinking otherwise. Mind you, even then, many people turn that to their advantage and, in a world that really isn't geared up for people who don't confirm to the norm, that must demand some extremely hard work and dedication on their part.
My Life Outside h2g2
Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!) Posted Jun 9, 2000
I agree, as a left-handed, ginger-haired, female, young adult I dont conform to the norm, both physically or mentally!!
My Life Outside h2g2
Cakewalker Posted Jun 9, 2000
How tall are you? Most major bit of discrimination that ever affects me is heightist behavious (ie., trying to buy trousers that fit - I am a bit on the tall side)
My Life Outside h2g2
Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!) Posted Jun 12, 2000
I'm sorry to disappoint you but Im average on that one I'm 5'6" (ish!) I understand your problem though, do you know what a right-handed society we live in? even basics like books, computers, and telephones are made for the right-handed person!! surprisingly enough cars are easier to drive if your left-handed!!
My Life Outside h2g2
Cakewalker Posted Jun 21, 2000
5'6" is a nice height - just tall enough for me not to be talking to the top of your head should we ever meet nb., I'm somewhere between 6'3" and 6'4" depending on how long it is since I last had a haircut - I don't have long hair, it just happens to grow quickly and thickly. And I'm fond of ginger or red hair, though I suspect it's visual impact has less of an effect on me as I'm colourblind.
I'm kind of aware of left-hander's problems - my dad's left handed and so's my oldest friend (that's oldest as in length of friendship rather than outright age, not that that affects his handedness. I think). I can understand how telephones and computers could be changed for a left-handed person (I'm quite sure my dad would hate using my definitely right-handed computer mouse, for instance, and telephones always have the handset on the left with the more complex (as far as dexterity requirement goes) buttons on the right). How could books be improved, though? I should imagine pens could be improved - most work best when being pulled across paper (as with a right-handed person) rather than being pushed (as with left).
My Life Outside h2g2
Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!) Posted Jun 24, 2000
Books should be written the other way round ie turn left to right not right to left!!
I used to write mirror writing when i was younger so i can read that too!! that makes pens a lot easier to write with!!
Are you telling me that your hair defies gravity and grows straight up? woo spooky!!
Como estas?
sorry Im trying to re-learn Spanish (that means how are you by the way), I learnt it for a year about 3 years ago and this week I have met some Puerto-Rican US army men (woo hoo!!) they're staying at a hotel nearby and are going back to America on Tuesday so you see I thought it would be nice to be able to speak to them in Spanish a bit!!
If you dont mind me asking where do you come from? I hail from the south of Hamphire (uyep as south in England as you can go!! - barring the Isle of Wight of course!!) it makes it a hell of a lot easier for me to imagine where you are then!! Yep ive been here all my life!
My Life Outside h2g2
Cakewalker Posted Jun 25, 2000
Tres bon, merci
(I think that's right! It's a couple of years since I did any French).
I'm from Sheffield, but I've been at University in Portsmouth since 1997. As it happens, I'm back up North for the summer, but I will be back in Portsmouth sometime, either this September or next, for anything up to 4 years or more. There's a lot of things that'll depend on, though, and, when it comes down to it, I am very fond of the Peak District that's just on my doorstep where I am in Sheffield. On the other hand, not having had my car while I've been in Portsmouth (insurance is extortionate for blokes my age), I haven't explored much and am sure I haven't found the most attractive bits of Hampshire yet. Which bit of Hampshire exactly are you from?
My hair, btw., has a mind of it's own. It definitely defies gravity first thing in the morning, no matter what length it is And it sort of takes me by surprise with it's length. I'm sure it has the growth pattern of foliage rather than hair (ie., it grows exponentially, with each branch branching out into more branches, rather than it all coming from a finite number of follicles). I'd just be minding my own business, with nice, shortish hair, and then one day I look in the mirror and can't see myself as it's covering my eyes. I take that as a hint to go and get it cut only to be teased when I'm there about getting 'value for money' haircuts.
My Life Outside h2g2
Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!) Posted Jun 28, 2000
I'm betwixt the new forest, the sea and esso refinery!! nice combination!! actually if you go up the keep at Portchester Castle you can see Fawley Church which is relatively close to where I live!!
Your French is perfect
"C'est bon aussi"
I'VE FINISHED MY EXAMS!!! finnally thats been too many years of A-levels (3 to be exact!) and Ive had enough!!
Youre at Pompey then? ah well never mind its not your fault!! but then Im off to Bangor (dont say that wrong or it sounds bad!! - in North Wales, and yes I've been warned about the sheep!!)
Dont we know about the cost of car insurance!! I'm insured on my parents car, the plus of living at home I suppose!! and the car I drive for work (I deliver Pizzas!) I need some sort of transport though cause Soputhamptons the nearest town and its 20mins to 1/2 hour away by car so I wont be walking!!
I suppose I colud tell you that my real names Rachel hence the wierd nickname it was given to me by my nepew and niece when they were learning to speak.
My Life Outside h2g2
Cakewalker Posted Jul 4, 2000
Intriguing coincidence - I spent three years doing A levels too. And, yes, I was rather glad to be rid of them by then, though the wait for my results was painful Do you have any plans for something to take your mind off it? I spent that particular summer in Ireland (for a week) and delivering ... Thomson Directories (in Sheffield, that is, not Ireland - I didn't have to go that far out for a job
Mmm. The New Forest is rather attractive, from what I remember of it. And the sea's, well, flat. It's daft, but the sea isn't really Portsmouth's biggest asset. I think the building I work in may be, though - it is rather nice. The beach is pretty naff, though - the seafront road is populated by too many wide-boys in their loud Escorts. I find it hard to believe people spend their hols there.
My real name is Chris, and I think I've been the only one to not be able to pronounce it. I'm told that, at 2, I called myself 'Topher', but I don't think it'd suit me as a nickname any more. When are you going up to Bangor, then? September or October? What are you studying (apart from the sheep)?
My Life Outside h2g2
Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!) Posted Jul 11, 2000
Im actually trying to find a job as pizza delivery 2 nightrs a week makes my days very boring besp. as most of my friends have full time jobs!!
Im jealous, Ive always wanted to go to Ireland! I love the accent! and the scenery!
Where do you work then? someplace posh?? I dont know much about Portsmouth cause it takes so bloody long to get there (pardon my french!) Its almost quicker to swim!!
This sounds awful but Im not entirely sure whether its Sept or Oct 4 Bangor!! I must e-mail 'em and find out!!
Where does your rather obscure nikname come from? are you some kinda dessert craving astronaught? (oops that looks like its spelt wrong!!) ie. moonwalker? or do you just twist Michael Jaksons words?
Im studying Linguistics at Bangor, sounds posh but its like language study really!! perhaps I can learn sheepish!! It'd make a change from the cows we have 'round here!!
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My Life Outside h2g2
- 1: Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!) (May 18, 2000)
- 2: Cakewalker (May 29, 2000)
- 3: Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!) (May 31, 2000)
- 4: Cakewalker (May 31, 2000)
- 5: Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!) (Jun 2, 2000)
- 6: Cakewalker (Jun 2, 2000)
- 7: Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!) (Jun 5, 2000)
- 8: Cakewalker (Jun 7, 2000)
- 9: Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!) (Jun 8, 2000)
- 10: Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!) (Jun 8, 2000)
- 11: Cakewalker (Jun 8, 2000)
- 12: Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!) (Jun 9, 2000)
- 13: Cakewalker (Jun 9, 2000)
- 14: Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!) (Jun 12, 2000)
- 15: Cakewalker (Jun 21, 2000)
- 16: Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!) (Jun 24, 2000)
- 17: Cakewalker (Jun 25, 2000)
- 18: Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!) (Jun 28, 2000)
- 19: Cakewalker (Jul 4, 2000)
- 20: Roachee-ree-raa (Back@Uni with Exams and soap opera lives to stress me out!!) (Jul 11, 2000)
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