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Due to a sparse fridge…
Posted Jun 28, 2000
Due to a sparse fridge, I decided lunch today was to be eaten in the Light Angle Bistro. A fine establishment situated on the premises of the company where I work.
What I would choose to eat on this hot, muggy (although not particularly sunny) day was still a mystery. But I had in mind something refreshing. I headed for the counter, eyeing up the baguettes, but to my disappointment it was surprisingly light of continental snacks. So I settled for a slice of Pizza and a Cappuccino.
With the weather being as it was, I decided to eat outside and was pleased to find the only free table still had a chair with it, all the rest being taken by larger groups. Comfortably sat, I pulled out my book and realised that I needed an extra hand to eat pizza and read. (The pizza being too floppy to eat with out a knife and fork) So I settled on cutting with my fork in my right hand and holding by book in my left. Which was fine until I stabbed too big a piece to get in my mouth. I was reluctant to put down my book, so I started rolling the pizza backwards and forwards on my plate until it broke, hoping that no one was watching. The action reminded me how crocodiles kill their prey...only on a smaller scale. I achieved in breaking down my food and glanced around to make sure I hadn’t been making a fool of myself. I was slightly astonished to discover that everyone had gone and I was sitting out there alone.
A momentary break in the clouds bathed me in sunlight and I realised that I was a little over dressed. I removed my fleece, soaked up the warm rays and carry on reading. Soon I was lost in my book. Out of the corner of my eye, I spied a small spider crawling along the edge of my plate, this brought my senses back into the real world and I was mildly startled by the loud hum of the air conditioning vents. I followed the spider’s path as he circumnavigated the remains of my lunch. I considered removing him, but as it was apparent that he was not interested in pizza, I decided to let him carry on unhindered by human interference.
The tables around me start to fill up again with the second wave of people on their lunch break. I am lucky that I can be flexible with my working hours and can defy convention in pursuit of a crowd free lunch. I finished my pizza and scooped up the last of the foam from my cappuccino. It was tempting to just sit there in the sun for a while, but I had finished the book and had work to be getting on with. As I left my table I reflected on what a nice time was afforded to me due to the sparseness of my fridge.
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Latest reply: Jun 28, 2000
Hello to the Chicken
Posted Jun 21, 2000
There has been an issue with rendering this post, please contact the editors.
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Latest reply: Jun 21, 2000
Posted Jun 8, 2000, you've got it
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Latest reply: Jun 8, 2000
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