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subbing 'Tallinn, Estonia -- World Heritage Site'

Post 1


Thank you for writing such an interesting and informative entry!smiley - ok I enjoyed very much this extensive look into the history of Tallinn. I had just a few things I altered and would like to discuss with you.

For a start, I would like to know if you would mind altering the title. Currently, it is 'Tallinn, Estonia -- World Heritage Site', but since you only mention the fact that it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in one paragraph, it is my inclination to eliminate that part of the title.

As far as the entry is concerned, it is generally very good. I just changed a few little grammatical things (which I tend to get extremely picky about), in addition to eliminating some of the redundancies I felt were present. In addition, these were some things I altered:

I put the Architecture section after the two History sections, since with the way you had it previously, there is a discontinuity in the history bits that is potentially confusing to the reader. I seek to eliminate that confusion by swopping the sections around.

I removed the last sentence of the 2nd paragraph, since I didn't understand what you meant and it didn't seem particularly relevant.

I integrated paragraphs 2 and 3, since they seemed to be discussing the same general topic.

For future reference, you never capitalise cardinal directions (north, south, etc). I fixed those for you.

Since UNESCO stands for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, it is unnecessary to say 'UNESCO Committee'.

The 'How to Travel to Tallinn' section I felt to be unnecessary. The directions you gave were rather vague -- it might be better for anyone who was wishing to visit your lovely city (and I must say it sounds tempting) to visit some of the other sites you linked to so as to gain more information about the more mundane aspects of the journey.

I had just one question: in the last paragraph of the 'Architecture' section you say that the Leprosorium is 'close to the town centre'. Did you mean the present town centre or the old one? Since you say that the building is *outside* the old town, this might lend a certain bit of confusion.

Once again, you have written a terrific entry, and it's my opinion that these little things make it even better! I look forward to hearing back from you with regard to the changes I have made.

EMRsmiley - musicalnote

subbing 'Tallinn, Estonia -- World Heritage Site'

Post 2


smiley - smiley Hi there,
I am sure you know everything about grammar and setup and such. I don't mind any of those corrections. I know my grammar is quite poor. But I write Estonian much better, honest. smiley - winkeye
Now, I wrote this article only because Titania is putting together a list of guide entries about World Heritage Sites and she asked me to write about Tallinn. The WHS issues are definitely most attractive to the tourists but the town itself is much more than that. So this article is limited to those matters.
The Old Town is still the town centre and it's quite small compared to the rest of the town, so if anything is close to the Old Town it's close to the centre. The centre is marked down on the town square and even though mathematically it's not centre anymore the locals like to think it is.
Oh, and I don't live in Tallinn, I don't even like that town too much. After all almost half of the whole populations lives there and that's too much for me. smiley - smiley
What else?

subbing 'Tallinn, Estonia -- World Heritage Site'

Post 3


Sorry it took me so long to get back to you.

Given what you said about the WHS project, I'll leave that in the title. Same with the 'close to the town centre' bit, that can stay as it originally was.

The final draft is to be found at A3176372. If I can get your final approval on it, I can return it to the editors.

EMRsmiley - musicalnote

subbing 'Tallinn, Estonia -- World Heritage Site'

Post 4


It looks fine. smiley - ok
Btw, did you know the word knightage before? We had quite a discussion about it in PR. smiley - winkeye

subbing 'Tallinn, Estonia -- World Heritage Site'

Post 5


smiley - ok I'm sending this off to the editors...

I haven't actually seen the word anywhere, but I could infer the meaning from the way you used it in context. It was handy that you added the gloss, though.

EMRsmiley - musicalnote

subbing 'Tallinn, Estonia -- World Heritage Site'

Post 6


smiley - tasmiley - biggrin

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