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Snailrind Started conversation Nov 11, 2005
Great name you've got there. The story in which Moominpapa sails off with the hattifatteners has always been a favourite of mine. I couldn't get enough of those books when I was a kid.
Snailrind Posted Nov 11, 2005
They're always worth a reread, aren't they? Snufkin reminds me of my father. My mother's a Fillyjonk. Though, if you didn't read the books in English, I guess some of the names were different -?
Hati Posted Nov 11, 2005
I can recognise most of the names in English as well, though some are really completely different.
Snailrind Posted Nov 11, 2005
Well, now I'm really impressed by translator Thomas Warburton for coming up with such excellent and evocative names.
Except for the antlion. That always struck me as stupid. Although, I'd never have had pet antlions if it hadn't been for these books.
Do you have a favourite Moominvalley story?
Snailrind Posted Nov 11, 2005
I'm guessing that's 'The Secret of the Hattifatteners'. You've got me sidetracked now; I'm sitting here rereading Tales from Moominvalley. I've just read 'Cedric', which I'd forgotten about: Sniff gives away his favourite toy, then regrets it, and Snufkin tells him a story about an aunt of his who had given all her possessions away and was better for it.
Snailrind Posted Nov 11, 2005
Hm? Wha'? *Takes nose out of book."
Oh, it's YOU. That's right, we were having a conversation, weren't we?
Moominpappa at Sea; remind me what happens in that one.
Hati Posted Nov 11, 2005
When the Moomin family members need a change of scenery, they decide to take up residence in a lighthouse. As they discover their new home, the family also discover surprising, and wonderfully funny, new things about themselves. (Powell's)
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