This is the Message Centre for Deep Doo Doo
_ Started conversation Dec 10, 2007
Hey DDD/TripleD/JustPlainD!
I see you've done some cool moving thingies at the top of the page, plus lots of other stuff.(BTW, its really ) How do you do that? Is it a
? Am I about to find out?
Cheers Man!
Deep Doo Doo Posted Mar 19, 2008
Hey MLPDarth! Sorry it's taken so long for me to get back to you, but I've been away and a little busy for the last eleven months or so. (I've not been locked-up, more a case of getting married and moving to a different country). Anyhow, to answer your question, if you follow this link: "" then it'll show you the code, which hopefully I've well-documented. Feel free to cut and paste (ie steal the code!) and Bob's your mothers brother!
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