This is the Message Centre for Deep Doo Doo
lurking around
scorp Started conversation Sep 21, 2005
Hi there DDD!
Having a quick lurke around cos I saw you on the Telegram Game and hadn't visited you before, so I thought why not.
I didn't just stand around either, I made the and left a nice, warm, freshly baked
as well.
Incidentally, yes I can change an oil filter. I know absolutely nothing about Land Rovers; but have spent many happy years in the motor industry (the workshops/bodyshops type)in a combination Ford and VW Dealership; and with a Father in Law in charge of army workshops, it sort of rubs off.
Have a happy day.
lurking around
Deep Doo Doo Posted Sep 21, 2005
Hi Scorpio!! Thanks for dropping by.
I've been around H2G2 for about nine months now. I used to live in the UK up until a few months ago, but I met my girlfriend Deakie U857383 on here and I moved to Portugal to be with her. I don't tend to get on here quite as much as I like to because I've only got a dial up connection at the moment and that's on a premium rate number!! Some things are hard to get organised in Portugal and broadband (or banda larga as they call it) is one of them.
I'm currently fiddling with a satellite dish on my balcony in an attempt to get some UK channels - you can't beat British television, but apart from a few little things like that there's very little I miss about the UK, especially the weather!!
It was Agent who first introduced me to the Telegram game. I've posted a few occasionally, but I need to be inspired - the standard there is extremely good!!
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lurking around
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