This is the Message Centre for happygator

Welcome Happygator

Post 1


Hello again,

Justa few wee pointers seeing as you've just joined and might be still finding your feet. Best thing to start with is the 'Guided Tour' which you can click on at the top RHS of the screen. If you go into the 'GW Home Page' you will also find a section in 'Talk' called 'Newbies' which is a good place to introduce yourself and meet other who have recently joined up. Also there will be general Q&As that may be of interest.

In all honesty the best method for meeting others is to start reading and reviewing other writers' works and leaving a comment. Most will respond and thus return the favour and read a piece of yours, if you have anything posted up.

This is a friendly and helpful place and most are obliging and it is great fun also. I don't know if you are also aware that this site will be closing down by 31st March though, so that has been quite a shock to most of us here.

Anyway, if you have any questions please just ask and do have a great time here. Start writing and enjoy.

Hopefully see ye about!

Jen smiley - cheers

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Welcome Happygator

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